Re: Re[5]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway
Ran Atkinson <> Wed, 04 December 1996 18:57 UTC
Received: (from majordom@localhost) by (8.8.2/8.8.2) id NAA27301 for ipsec-outgoing; Wed, 4 Dec 1996 13:57:42 -0500 (EST)
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 1996 10:59:50 -0800
From: Ran Atkinson <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: Re[5]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway
In-Reply-To: <v0300780baeca6220d694@[]>
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Organization: cisco Systems
Precedence: bulk
The 2nd draft revised IPsec Architecture document and the draft proposed ESP/AH specs will not be out before San Jose because the logistics of getting them out before the I-D submission deadline could not be achieved. I anticipate those drafts will be out online after San Jose and well before the Spring meeting. Given the extremely tight meeting time we have for IPsec in San Jose, I'd like to propose that discussion of those drafts be deferred until the Spring 1997 IETF (at which point they will have been online so that folks could review/discuss them via email and so we can have a more focused meeting discussion). We would not consider these documents for advancement prior to the Spring IETF meeting in this proposal, so it wouldn't adversely impact folks' ability to review things thoroughly. Would that be agreeable to folks ? (Objectors please send me unicast email and I'll summarise back to the list :-) Ran
- AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Whelan, Bill
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Michael Richardson
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Michael Richardson
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway pau
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Whelan, Bill
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway William Allen Simpson
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Michael Richardson
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway David P. Kemp
- Re: Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Ran Atkinson
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Michael Richardson
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Daniel Harkins
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Hilarie Orman
- Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Whelan, Bill
- Re: Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Bill Sommerfeld
- Re[4]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Whelan, Bill
- Re: Re[4]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Bill Sommerfeld
- Re[4]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Karl Fox
- Re[5]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Whelan, Bill
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re[5]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Michael Richardson
- Re: Re[5]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Bob Monsour
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re: Re[5]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Steven Bellovin
- Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Whelan, Bill
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Brian McKenney
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Perry E. Metzger
- Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Brian McKenney
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Ran Atkinson
- Re: Re[5]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Ran Atkinson
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Bill Sommerfeld
- Re: Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Uri Blumenthal
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Daniel Harkins
- Re: Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Naganand Doraswamy
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Steven Bellovin
- Re: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Steven Bellovin
- Re: Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Stephen Kent
- Re: Re[2]: AH (without ESP) on a secure gateway Dan Frommer