[IPsec] AD review of draft-ietf-ipsecme-ad-vpn-problem
Sean Turner <turners@ieca.com> Wed, 09 January 2013 14:17 UTC
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These are pretty much just nits. Please address Tero's comments as well. 1. We charter WGs and I'm going to go with the thought that it will succeed ;) a: r/is chartered to/will 2. s1.1: Hub definition. Verb choice: r/there is no devices/there are no devices 3. s1.1.: Spoke definition: Extra the: r/in the a star/in a star Need some ses: r/it encrypt data coming from cleartext device /it encrypts data coming from cleartext devices 4. s2: Use administrative domain in s1 but organization here. Is consistency needed? Not sure what you'd think about this, but what do you think about not using lowercase 2119 words in any of the s2 subsections? Reviewers should be able to piece together that this is the use case section and not the requirements section and therefore there shouldn't be any 2119 language here - but they don't always. To be clear, I'm not hard over on this. r/must use/need r/must/need to r/should/ought to 5. s2.1: Can you remove direct from "direct, point-to-point"? Isn't direct in the definition? Shouldn't "hub and spoke topology" be "star topology"? "hub and spoke topology" isn't defined in s1.1. I think you might need an "a" to match the previous sentence: r/Such use case/Such a use case ? r/expose them/expose themselves 6. s2.2: An extra the: r/for the voice and other/for voice and other Nit picking here but I think this is clearer: r/endpoints are administrated by separate management domains /endpoints are in different administrative domains Please expand: L3VPNs and GRE. 7. s4.1: r/firewall, NAT box/firewalls, NAT boxes 8. Req 10 + 11: Is the requirement driver under 11 for both 10 and 11? If so then it should be "These requirements". If you're going to do this couldn't you just group 10-14 as they're the same driver for all 5? Or, is the driver under 10 missing? 9 s5: To match the title: r/Problem state and requirement/problem statement and requirements 10. General: Sometimes it's ADVPN and other times it's AD VPN. 11. Allied and federated environments should be defined in the terminology section or at least introduced earlier in the draft. spt
- [IPsec] AD review of draft-ietf-ipsecme-ad-vpn-pr… Sean Turner
- Re: [IPsec] AD review of draft-ietf-ipsecme-ad-vp… Vishwas Manral
- Re: [IPsec] AD review of draft-ietf-ipsecme-ad-vp… Vishwas Manral