Re: Replay field size in AH
Rodney Thayer <> Sun, 09 February 1997 16:05 UTC
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Date: Sun, 09 Feb 1997 11:07:14 -0500
To: Stephen Kent <>
From: Rodney Thayer <>
Subject: Re: Replay field size in AH
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And what is the state of the Grand Unified ESP spec? (Is there ANY AH spec anymore? I thought there wasn't.) At 02:13 PM 2/8/97 -0500, you wrote: >I'd like to hear from Jeff Schiller and the WG chairs re this still open >issue. My recollection is that there was supposed to be a small meetng to >reolve this after the last IPSEC WG meeting in San Jose. I observed that >we had two variables affecting aligmment: sequence number size and HMAC >size. Hugo made a suggestion to truncate the SHA-1 value to 128 bits, to >reduce the number of variables affecting alignment, but I don't recall a >decision on this, nor on the 32 vs. 64 bit sequence number. We do eed to >nail this down so that the grand unified AH and ESP specs can proceed. > >Steve > > > > Rodney Thayer <> +1 617 332 7292 Sable Technology Corp, 246 Walnut St., Newton MA 02160 USA Fax: +1 617 332 7970 "Developers of communications software"
- Replay field size in AH Naganand Doraswamy
- Re: Replay field size in AH Ran Atkinson
- Re: Replay field size in AH Stephen Kent
- RE: Replay field size in AH Rob Adams
- Re: Replay field size in AH Ran Atkinson
- Re: Replay field size in AH Rodney Thayer
- Re: Replay field size in AH Stephen Kent