[IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopLimit in RFC4861 used?
Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> Sat, 25 May 2024 14:37 UTC
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From: Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com>
Date: Sat, 25 May 2024 10:37:12 -0400
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Subject: [IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopLimit in RFC4861 used?
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Right. My question is, where is the rfc that describes what these variables do? Hop Limit is somewhat straightforward, I guess, but where is the rfc that explains what to do with the reachable time? I’m not saying these things don’t exist, but there is no reference to them in this RFC. Op za 25 mei 2024 om 09:58 schreef Mark Smith <markzzzsmith@gmail.com> > On Sat, 25 May 2024 at 21:22, Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> wrote: > > > > Maybe we should write this down somewhere… > > > > Pretty sure it is in RFC 4861: > > 6.3.4. Processing Received Router Advertisements > ... > If the received Cur Hop Limit value is non-zero, the host SHOULD set > its CurHopLimit variable to the received value. > > ... > If the received Reachable Time value is non-zero, the host SHOULD set > its BaseReachableTime variable to the received value. If the new > value differs from the previous value,... > > > Op za 25 mei 2024 om 02:05 schreef Erik Kline <ek.ietf@gmail.com> > >> > >> I think they update the per-interface ND state defaults, vis.: > >> > >> > https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v6.9.1/source/net/ipv6/ndisc.c#L1457 > >> > >> and > >> > >> > https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v6.9.1/source/net/ipv6/ndisc.c#L1426 > >> > >> On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 1:58 PM Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> wrote: > >>> > >>> We've spent the past half hour in the SNAC interim trying to > understand what these do, and we've come up empty. Are they in fact used? > What do they do? We don't know what values to specify for them in SNAC > router RAs. > >>> -------------------------------------------------------------------- > >>> IETF IPv6 working group mailing list > >>> ipv6@ietf.org > >>> Administrative Requests: > >>> -------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------- > > IETF IPv6 working group mailing list > > ipv6@ietf.org > > Administrative Requests: > > -------------------------------------------------------------------- >
- [IPv6]How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopLimit… Ted Lemon
- [IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopL… David Farmer
- [IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopL… Ted Lemon
- [IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopL… David Farmer
- [IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopL… Ted Lemon
- [IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopL… David Farmer
- [IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopL… Ted Lemon
- [IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopL… Timothy Winters
- [IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopL… David Farmer
- [IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopL… Erik Kline
- [IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopL… Ted Lemon
- [IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopL… Mark Smith
- [IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopL… Ted Lemon
- [IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopL… Ole Trøan
- [IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopL… Timothy Winters
- [IPv6]Re: How are AdvReachableTime and AdvCurHopL… Ted Lemon