[IPv6]Document Action: 'The IPv6 Compact Routing Header (CRH)' to Experimental RFC (draft-ietf-6man-comp-rtg-hdr-10.txt)

The IESG <iesg-secretary@ietf.org> Mon, 10 June 2024 15:12 UTC

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The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'The IPv6 Compact Routing Header (CRH)'
  (draft-ietf-6man-comp-rtg-hdr-10.txt) as Experimental RFC

This document is the product of the IPv6 Maintenance Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Erik Kline and Éric Vyncke.

A URL of this Internet-Draft is:

Technical Summary

   This document describes an experiment in which two new IPv6 Routing
   headers are implemented and deployed.  Collectively, they are called
   the Compact Routing Headers (CRH).  Individually, they are called
   CRH-16 and CRH-32.

   One purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate that the CRH can be
   implemented and deployed in a production network.  Another purpose is
   to demonstrate that the security considerations, described in this
   document, can be addressed with access control lists.  Finally, this
   document encourages replication of the experiment.

Working Group Summary

   There were originally many opinions about potential conflicts with
   Segment Routing and especially compressed SIDs. That issue was put to
   rest through 3-4 years of discussions, documents, and design team work.
   CRH no longer competes with compressed SIDs.

Document Quality

   There are experimental implementations of this Experimental protocol.
   (See shepherd write-up for more.)


   The Document Shepherd for this document is Bob Hinden. The Responsible
   Area Director is Erik Kline.


   This document contains requests of IANA that have previously been
   handled via Early Allocation. Approval of this document would make
   permanent the existing early allocations.