Re: I-D Action: draft-carpenter-6man-rfc6874bis-00.txt

Nico Schottelius <> Mon, 05 July 2021 09:33 UTC

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From: Nico Schottelius <>
To: Brian Carpenter <>
Cc: Ted Hardie <>, Bob Hinden <>,
Subject: Re: I-D Action: draft-carpenter-6man-rfc6874bis-00.txt
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I am bit puzzled about the interface ID discussion. While I understand
that % inside square brackets is treated differently than outside, the
overall complexity still seems to be low, isn't it?

        On encountering "[ + valid IPv6 address" browsers should (must?)
        accept an interface identifier of the form of "%string]".

This covers automatically the integer case as well as the named network
interfaces. Or am I missing something?

Brian Carpenter <> writes:

> Ted, I agree about the complexity. otoh I believe that at least one browser
> used to do this. How about saying that such a mechanism is not forbidden?
> Regards,
>     Brian Carpenter
>     (via tiny screen & keyboard)
> On Mon, 5 Jul 2021, 20:06 Ted Hardie, <> wrote:
>> Hi Brian, Bob,
>> Your draft says:
>>    In the spirit of "be liberal with what you
>>    accept", we also suggest that URI parsers accept bare "%" signs when
>>    possible (i.e., a "%" not followed by two valid and meaningful
>>    hexadecimal characters).  This would make it possible for a user to
>>    copy and paste a string such as "fe80::a%en1" from the output of a
>>    "ping" command and have it work.  On the other hand, "%ee1" would
>>    need to be manually rewritten to "fe80::a%25ee1" to avoid any risk of
>>    misinterpretation.
>> I would prefer the document without this suggestion, as I think the
>> resulting logic for a uri parser is a good bit harder than the " %s are
>> handled differently within IPv6 literals" approach.  This requires the
>> parser to treat %s  differently within IPv6 literals except when the result
>> would be a "valid and meaningful" pair of hexadecimal characters.  If I
>> follow your logic correctly, that would mean not simply checking to be sure
>> that these are hex but also checking to be sure that the resulting
>> characters are within the syntax for the ZoneID production.
>> I think the proposal is much cleaner without this, and I encourage you to
>> reconsider including it.
>> regards,
>> Ted Hardie
>> On Mon, Jul 5, 2021 at 3:41 AM Brian E Carpenter <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> In case people aren't aware, no web browser that we know of supports
>>> RFC6874, i.e. the extension to URI/URL syntax for a link-local
>>> zone index in literal IPv6 addresses. This is annoying in several
>>> use cases.
>>> This new draft tackles what seems to be the main objection from
>>> the browser community, namely that RFC6874 requires browsers to
>>> remove the zone index before sending the URL out in a standard
>>> HTTP message. That's a coding annoyance and it also breaks HTTP/1.1
>>> rules for the "Host" header according to RFC7230.
>>> There's background to this issue at:
>>> (still live but
>>> officially closed WONTFIX) and
>>> The new draft proposes to update the RFC accordingly. The changes
>>> are relatively small but significant. There's a diff between the
>>> RFC and this draft at:
>>> Comments welcome. If we want to go ahead with this fix, we will need to
>>> reach out to the URI specialists and the browser community, to be sure
>>> it isn't a waste of time.
>>> Regards
>>>      Brian & Bob
>>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>>> Subject: I-D Action: draft-carpenter-6man-rfc6874bis-00.txt
>>> Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2021 19:10:13 -0700
>>> From:
>>> Reply-To:
>>> To:
>>> A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts
>>> directories.
>>>         Title           : Representing IPv6 Zone Identifiers in Address
>>> Literals and Uniform Resource Identifiers
>>>         Authors         : Brian Carpenter
>>>                           Robert M. Hinden
>>>         Filename        : draft-carpenter-6man-rfc6874bis-00.txt
>>>         Pages           : 10
>>>         Date            : 2021-07-04
>>> Abstract:
>>>    This document describes how the zone identifier of an IPv6 scoped
>>>    address, defined as <zone_id> in the IPv6 Scoped Address Architecture
>>>    (RFC 4007), can be represented in a literal IPv6 address and in a
>>>    Uniform Resource Identifier that includes such a literal address.  It
>>>    updates the URI Generic Syntax specification (RFC 3986) accordingly,
>>>    and obsoletes RFC 6874.
>>> The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:
>>> There is also an HTML version available at:
>>> Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:
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