Reopening RFC6874?
Brian E Carpenter <> Wed, 16 June 2021 23:58 UTC
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To: 6man <>
Cc:, Stuart Cheshire <>
From: Brian E Carpenter <>
Subject: Reopening RFC6874?
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Hi, It is probably necessary to re-open RFC6874 "Representing IPv6 Zone Identifiers in Address Literals and Uniform Resource Identifiers." Here's the problem. Web browsers do not correctly support Link Local literal addresses, because they cannot parse the zone identifier (aka the interface identifier). There are of course no "average user" use cases for this, but there are several technical use cases. Rather than trying to summarise them, I refer you to the Firefox bug thread about this, which has been open for 10 years: Officially it's status is WONTFIX, but every year or two discussion restarts. There's also an issue at WHATWG: My conclusion from the latest round of discussion of those two threads is that if we don't update RFC6874, nothing will change. So I propose that we do update RFC6874. As far as I can tell, the main issue is as follows: The security considerations say: > An HTTP client, proxy, or other intermediary MUST remove any ZoneID > attached to an outgoing URI, as it has only local significance at the > sending host. There is also non-normative text saying: > However, > URIs including a ZoneID have no meaning outside the originating node. > It would therefore be highly desirable for a browser to remove the > ZoneID from a URI before including that URI in an HTTP request. As I understand it, those requirements are considered unreasonable and too hard to code by browser implementors. Also, there is a use case that Andrew Cardy can describe better than me where the deletion of the Zone ID breaks a higher-level protocol. (CUPS printing; Michael Sweet raised the issue on this list 8 years ago.) Would the WG be interested in taking up this work? I think most of it would consist of using the "delete" key on RFC6874. Regards Brian Carpenter
- Reopening RFC6874? Brian E Carpenter
- Re: Reopening RFC6874? Kerry Lynn
- Re: Reopening RFC6874? Bob Hinden
- Re: Reopening RFC6874? Fernando Gont
- Re: Reopening RFC6874? Brian E Carpenter
- Re: Reopening RFC6874? Jen Linkova
- Re: Reopening RFC6874? Andrew Cady