Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND
Ole Troan <> Thu, 30 January 2014 10:23 UTC
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Subject: Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND
From: Ole Troan <>
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Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 11:22:53 +0100
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Erik, > The frustrating thing is that the same folks that argue that the WG shouldn't work on a different design (targeting multicast challenged links), keep on suggesting tweaks. If the WG thinks we should work on improving ND for such links (and perhaps also improve it for battery operated hosts), then let's do that work. If not, then let's stop suggesting tweaks. before designing anything new, I would like to see: - a clear description of the problem(s) - an analysis of how well we can do with existing protocols does that sound fair? cheers, Ole
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Andrew 👽 Yourtchenko
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Andrew 👽 Yourtchenko
- Reducing the battery impact of ND Lorenzo Colitti
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Tim Chown
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Don Sturek
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND cb.list6
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Rajiv Asati (rajiva)
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Andrew 👽 Yourtchenko
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Lorenzo Colitti
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Lorenzo Colitti
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Ole Troan
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Ole Troan
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Ole Troan
- Fwd: Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Lorenzo Colitti
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Ole Troan
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Ole Troan
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Warren Kumari
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Lorenzo Colitti
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Lorenzo Colitti
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Lorenzo Colitti
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Carsten Bormann
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Pascal Thubert (pthubert)
- RE: Reducing the battery impact of ND Hemant Singh (shemant)
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Erik Nordmark
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Doug Barton
- RE: Reducing the battery impact of ND ek
- RE: Reducing the battery impact of ND Hemant Singh (shemant)
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND joel jaeggli
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Warren Kumari
- RE: Reducing the battery impact of ND Hemant Singh (shemant)
- Re: Reducing the battery impact of ND Fernando Gont