Fwd: Prefix search engine
"Mohammad Behdadfar" <behdadfar@gmail.com> Mon, 04 August 2008 13:06 UTC
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Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2008 16:36:32 +0330
From: Mohammad Behdadfar <behdadfar@gmail.com>
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Subject: Fwd: Prefix search engine
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Mohammad Behdadfar <behdadfar@gmail.com> Date: Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 3:11 PM Subject: Prefix search engine To: geier-lists-ietf-ipv6@tih.co.tz Dear all, I had sent you an email some months ago. I wanted to test my prefix search engine using real databases and you introduced the following addresses to me: ******************************************************************************************* for a very long list of IPV4 prefixes: http://www.cidr-report.org/cgi-bin/as-report?as=701&view=2.0 or put other numbers instead of 701 ... for the very short lists of v6 prefixes: http://www.cidr-report.org/v6/as2.0/ and http://www.cidr-report.org/cgi-bin/as-report?as=AS109&view=2.0&v=6 **************************************************************************************************************** As I know, some tables contain more than 100000 entries(prefixes), however the above links contain a few. As I am trying to test my engine with large databases, I need to find(or download) some of them.Do you know any link address which contains the real prefixes of more than 100000 (to be downloaded)? And Also I have another question: I checked the following web site for a big AS: http://bgp.potaroo.net/as4637/ a lot of info(text files for download) is available in it, However I don't know how to extract the prefix databases with the format of (for example:) a.b.c.d/e from these info. would you please help me? thank you in advance, Mohammad Behdadfar
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- Fwd: Prefix search engine Mohammad Behdadfar