[irs-discuss] What's in a name?
"Adrian Farrel" <adrian@olddog.co.uk> Mon, 12 November 2012 14:50 UTC
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From: Adrian Farrel <adrian@olddog.co.uk>
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Subject: [irs-discuss] What's in a name?
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Personally, I find discussions of what name/acronym to use a bit sad. I've had enough code review hours wasted debating the names of variables to not want to spend any more time on this sort of thing. However, I note that there was some unease about the use of IRS. If we really need to find a new name for this work (and I note that RSI is also used for something else) we need to find a solution soon. Can I suggest that only those people who have a strong objection to IRS need to contribute to the discussion. Furthermore, we don't need suggestions to be floated, we need solid and definite proposals. That way we will possibly reach a serious conclusion quickly. Thanks, Adrian
- [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Adrian Farrel
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Zafar Ali (zali)
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Raveendra Torvi
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Hannes Gredler
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Gert Grammel
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Acee Lindem
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Ross Callon
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Stewart Bryant
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Stewart Bryant
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Stewart Bryant
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Lucy yong
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Ross Callon
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Lucy yong
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Noel Chiappa
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Chris Grundemann
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Edward Crabbe
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Alia Atlas
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Melinda Shore
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Raveendra Torvi
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Geoffrey Mattson
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Andrew McLachlan (amclachl)
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Benson Schliesser
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Shah, Himanshu
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Russell Harrison
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Stewart Bryant
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Shishio Tsuchiya
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Daniel Awduche
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Edward Crabbe
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Sriganesh Kini
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Jakob Heitz
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Palani Chinnakannan (pals)
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Zach Seils (seils)
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Monique Morrow (mmorrow)
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Sriganesh Kini
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Roque Gagliano (rogaglia)
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Iftekhar Hussain
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Senad.palislamovic
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? Jeff Tantsura
- [irs-discuss] 答复: What's in a name? Mach Chen
- Re: [irs-discuss] What's in a name? t.petch