[irs-discuss] draft-atlas-irs-policy-framework-00
Abdussalam Baryun <abdussalambaryun@gmail.com> Fri, 28 September 2012 15:37 UTC
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Subject: [irs-discuss] draft-atlas-irs-policy-framework-00
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Hi The Abstract: A key aspect of the Interface to the Routing System (IRS) is what mechanisms it includes to carry policy information and to enable policy control. This applies both in the protocol itself and in the sub-interfaces associated with the different components of the routing system. Similarly, the data-models associated with the sub- interfaces must be capable of expressing the appropriate granularity for access and authorization-related policy. This document describes the policy framework for IRS. ____________________ In the above not sure what *the-protocol* is refered to, is it routing protocol, Is there difference between IRS policy refered to above and the routing domain policy? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In page 4: resources: A resource is an IRS-specific use of memory, storage, or execution that a commissioner may consume due to its IRS operations. The amount of each such resource that a commissioner may consume in the context of a particular agent can be constrained. Examples of such resources could include: the number of installed operations, number of operations that haven't reached their start-time, etc. These are not protocol-specific resources or network-specific resources. __________________________ suggest distinguishing resources by adding *operation resources*, to distiguish from network resources. AB
- [irs-discuss] draft-atlas-irs-policy-framework-00 Abdussalam Baryun