Re: [irs-discuss] Rough Draft IRS Charter
Russ White <> Mon, 22 October 2012 17:49 UTC
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I think this has already been brought up on the list once before, but I'd just like to repeat my concerns on it: == Thus, the IRS is a "fast path" that can be used to program routing and policy state in a router using operational paradigms familiar to operators of traditional distributed devices. This differs from the programmatic "slow state" that is commonly a device's configuration interface because those mechanisms impose many transactional mechanisms and requirements, that may slow down the interaction. == Describing the CLI or other existing interfaces as the "slow path," and the proposed as the "fast path," is problematic. First, it implies that there is a specific path already available into all control plane devices, and that single path is "too slow," for some meaning of "too slow." Second, it implies, from the start, that we need new path, rather than a possible structure around existing paths that we can use to make sense of the routing system as a whole. I think 2a needs to be better defined so it doesn't overlap with 2c, or 2c needs to be made a part of 2a in some way (?). Thanks! Russ -- <><
- [irs-discuss] Rough Draft IRS Charter Ross Callon
- Re: [irs-discuss] Rough Draft IRS Charter Joel M. Halpern
- Re: [irs-discuss] Rough Draft IRS Charter Lou Berger
- Re: [irs-discuss] Rough Draft IRS Charter David Meyer
- Re: [irs-discuss] Rough Draft IRS Charter Russ White
- Re: [irs-discuss] Rough Draft IRS Charter Maglione Roberta
- Re: [irs-discuss] Rough Draft IRS Charter Russ White
- Re: [irs-discuss] Rough Draft IRS Charter Robert Raszuk
- Re: [irs-discuss] Rough Draft IRS Charter Andy Bierman
- Re: [irs-discuss] Rough Draft IRS Charter Ross Callon
- Re: [irs-discuss] Rough Draft IRS Charter Ross Callon
- Re: [irs-discuss] Rough Draft IRS Charter Thomas Nadeau
- Re: [irs-discuss] Rough Draft IRS Charter Thomas Nadeau
- Re: [irs-discuss] Rough Draft IRS Charter Adrian Farrel
- Re: [irs-discuss] Rough Draft IRS Charter Christopher LILJENSTOLPE