[irs-discuss] Comments on Topology API use case document
"Joel M. Halpern" <jmh@joelhalpern.com> Wed, 03 October 2012 02:38 UTC
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Overall, this looks very helpful. In the terminology section, two things struck me: First, we probably need to consistently qualify the term "Policy Manager". What is described in this document as the "Policy Manager" is a very interesting and powerful function. it is a policy function. But it is no more the entire policy manager than a security policy manager is the entire policy manager. It seems to me that this is a discipline we need to acquire early, or we will forever find ourselves arguing about the meaning of terms when we actually agree. (The later description of the Policy Manager edges into the broader perspective, but isn't really the same.) I have to disagree with the definition of Multi-Layer Topology. I agree that topologies are layered. However, the OSI topology abstraction is absolutely wrong. As was pointed out to me many years ago, and has become more prevalent ever sine, w run L2 VPN services on MPLS infrastructure on IP infrastructure, which is in term supported by Ethernet, some which may actually be emulated Ethernet on MPLS on ... While I appreciate the importance of the Inventory function in evaluating SRLGs, I think the document should probably point out that this often depends upon physical realities not visible to any automated system. (The number of stories of operators failing to meet diversity guarantees are legion.) I find it strange that this draft describes change application using a different paradigm than the other IRS drafts. Is this deliberate, indicating that these use cases need a different mechanism than is elsewhere described? (I wold have simply indicated that the Topology manager will need to apply changes, and left it there as far as this document is concerned. Yours, Jo9el M. Halpern
- [irs-discuss] Comments on Topology API use case d… Joel M. Halpern
- Re: [irs-discuss] Comments on Topology API use ca… Shane Amante
- Re: [irs-discuss] Comments on Topology API use ca… Thomas Nadeau
- Re: [irs-discuss] Comments on Topology API use ca… Sadler, Jonathan B.
- Re: [irs-discuss] Comments on Topology API use ca… Joel M. Halpern
- Re: [irs-discuss] Comments on Topology API use ca… Shane Amante
- Re: [irs-discuss] Comments on Topology API use ca… Joel M. Halpern