[IRTF-Announce] Unofficial Meeting of Scalable Small Group Multicast(SSGM) for IRTF

Aaron Falk <falk@ISI.EDU> Wed, 15 March 2006 21:12 UTC

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Subject: [IRTF-Announce] Unofficial Meeting of Scalable Small Group Multicast(SSGM) for IRTF
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                     === Call for participants ===

  Unofficial Meeting of Scalable Small Group Multicast(SSGM) for IRTF

Date : March 19, 2006 (20:00--23:00)
Place: Room <TBD> , Hilton Anatole (Same hotel of IETF 65th), Dallas  
        Room will be announced on the MLs and the message board.

IP Multicast has proved useful in transmitting information such as
voice and video to large groups. It has been used to broadcast IETF
Working Group meetings to remote participants and will provide a
suitable foundation for broadcasting TV programs across the Internet.

On the other hand, IP multicast is not well suited to small groups. As
the Internet Architecture Board stated in RFC 2902, "Providing for
many groups of small conferences ... scales badly given the current
multicast model."

The ability to efficiently support "small groups" will be important
for VoIP conference calls, for videoconferencing and for multi-media
e-meetings and as a result several alternative approaches have emerged
for the problem of "small group communications". These include.

     * ALM ([ESM],[YOID],[NICE],[ALMI],[TAG],[DTO],[CAN],[BAYEUX])
     * Overlay Multicast([SCX],[OVERCAST],[RMX],[MSN],[OMNI],[AKAMAI], 

These make it easy for end-users to start using multi-party
communications since they use a datagram distribution layer that is
based on ordinary unicast routing.

As these alternative approaches have appeared relatively recently,
issues remain to be worked out. These issues are discussed in several
research papers ([TAON], [SROU], [CMP], [ITOL], [PAA], [EEA]) and

     * Long latency
     * Selfish routing and bandwidth consumption
     * Slow routing convergence
     * Routing instability
     * Difficulties in deployment and maintenance
     * Inefficient tree topology

Using these technologies as the basis for group communication without
solving these problems would cause serious conflicts between carriers
and users concerned with bandwidth usage similar to traffic load of
popular file sharing systems like Kazaa, Napster, Winny and  

The purpose of the ad hoc meeting is

    1. share the results of the various research groups.
    2. identify the set of problems that remain to be addressed
    3. get rough consensus on the direction and next steps that should
       be taken to address the problem of small group communication.

We expect that the results of this meeting will be reported to the
IRTF chair and shared within the IETF/IRTF as well as in the broader
academic and engineering community to accelerate the development of
novel and useful mechanisms for small group communications.

     * Agenda 20:00 - 20:05

       - Agenda Bash

     * 20:05 - 21:25 (15 min each)

       1. Overlay Multicast and SSGM (Prof. Mark Pullen, GMU)
       2. Application Layer Multicast and SSGM (Prof. Bobby  
Bhattacharjee UMD)
       3. XCAST and SSGM (Yuji Imai, WIDE Project)
       4. Selfish Routing Implications (Prof. Lili Qiu, UT Austin)
       5. Problem statements (Prof. Yoichi Shinoda, JAIST/WIDE Project

     * 21:30 - 23:00

       Draft charter Presentation & General Discussion

     * Invited Observers
       - Prof. Kevin Almeroth, UCSB Multicast Expert
       - Prof. Henning Schulzrinne, Columbia SIP, RTP
       - Aaron Falk, IRTF chair/ISI

Yuji IMAI (WIDE Project)
John Buford (Panasonic)
Rick Boivie (IBM)
Bobby Bhattacharjee(UMD) - [to be confirmed]


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