Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles
"Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)" <> Mon, 17 August 2015 14:41 UTC
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From: "Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)" <>
To: "" <>, "Ahmed Bashandy (bashandy)" <>, "Acee Lindem (acee)" <>, Ebben Aries <>, " list (" <>
Thread-Topic: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles
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Subject: Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles
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X-List-Received-Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2015 14:41:08 -0000
Stephane – Your new column is already covered by Ahmed’s column #3: “L2 bundles as unnumbered interfaces in ISIS” Problem is – the two of you disagree on what is +/- for a number of rows. I don’t think assigning addresses for a much larger set of interfaces (e.g. if there are 128 bundle members this is 128 * the number of L3 interfaces) should be considered easy to do – which is why Ahmed suggested using unnumbered. Perhaps you could explain why you disagree with Ahmed’s assessment of the rows for his column #3?? Les From: Isis-wg [] On Behalf Of Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 1:41 AM To: Ahmed Bashandy (bashandy); Acee Lindem (acee); Ebben Aries; list ( Subject: Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles You can add in the table as a new solution : establish L3 adjacency on each link in addition to the LAG. Establish L3 adjacencies on each link in addition to on LAG Scalability -1 Mandate the deployment of a protocol that was not deployed before No (+1) Impact on basic routing functionality Minimal (+1) Works for both P2P and LAN Simple (+1) Using 1 protocol for diverse functionilities Yes (+1) Exposing L2 info in L3 protocol No (+1) Protocol change No (+1) Risk Small (Minimal impact on baseline functionality and managements tools while not deploying any new protocol) (+1) Sum 6 As for the layer 3 bundles, for the scaling part, it adds some adjacencies, but honestly I don’t think today this is an issue with controlplane resources we have and multithreading. In the table, you can also add a section regarding failure detection : As for solution #1 (L2 bundles in ISIS) and solution #2 (BGP-LS), you need a mechanism outside the protocol to monitor the status on each individual link and report it to the protocol which requires to implement something in addition (it does not work by itself), solution#3 and #4 (see above) : ISIS hellos are doing the job if fast detection is not required. Regarding the risk : What is the risk to deploy BGP-LS ? It’s an operational cost (and you already count it before) but there is no risk associated. For solution #3, what is the impact on the base routing ? Regarding the criteria : “Using 1 protocol for diverse functionalities”, This is always counted in “Mandate the deployment of a protocol that was not deployed before” moreover using IMO, 1 protocol to do everything is never good … (like using a single router to do every features ☺ ) Best Regards, From: Ahmed Bashandy (bashandy) [] Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 02:05 To: LITKOWSKI Stephane SCE/IBNF; Acee Lindem (acee); Ebben Aries;<> list (<>) Subject: Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles Folks In attempt to provide a relatively quantitative measurement of the proposed solutions to the problem at hand, I thought I would prepared a small comparison table between ISIS for L2 bundles, BGP-LS for L2 bundles, and changing all L2 bundles members to L3 links as unnumbered interfaces. I put +1 for (IMHO) what looks like an advantage, -1 for (IMHO) what looks like a disdavantage, and (0) what looks like a minor disadvantage or advantage ISIS to advertise L2 bundles BGP-LS to advertise L2 bundle L2 bundles as unnumbered interfaces in ISIS Scalability Minimal scale overheard (+1) Minimal scale overhead (+1) Significant scale overhead (-1) Mandate the deployment of a protocol that was not deployed before No (+1) Yes (-1) No (+1) Impact on basic routing functionality Minimal (+1) Minimal (+1) Significant (-1) Works for both P2P and LAN Simple (+1) Simple (+1) Difficult (unnumbered not easy with LANs) (-1) Using 1 protocol for diverse functionilities Yes (+1) No (-1) Yes (+1) Exposing L2 info in L3 protocol Yes (-1) Yes (-1) No (+1) Protocol change Yes (-1) Yes (-1) No (+1) Risk Small (Minimal impact on baseline functionality and managements tools while not deploying any new protocol) (+1) Medium (Have to deploy BGP-LS everywhere) (0) Significant (Have to make sure that baseline functionality on all routers as well as management and monitoring tools are not impacted by the sharp scale increase) (-1) Sum 5 -1 -2 One Important point, I agree with Ebben that BGP-LS is not an alternative to using ISIS but rather a complementary solution to be used by networks that do not use ISIS and OSPF. If we assume that BGP-LS will be used by networks that already employ BGP, then using ISIS and BGP-LS will have almost the same score Thanks Ahmed _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci. This message and its attachments may contain confidential or privileged information that may be protected by law; they should not be distributed, used or copied without authorisation. 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- [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles stephane.litkowski
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles Ebben Aries
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles stephane.litkowski
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles stephane.litkowski
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles stephane.litkowski
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles stephane.litkowski
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles stephane.litkowski
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles Hannes Gredler
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles Ahmed Bashandy (bashandy)
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles stephane.litkowski
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles stephane.litkowski
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles stephane.litkowski
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles stephane.litkowski
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles Hannes Gredler
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles Ahmed Bashandy (bashandy)
- Re: [Isis-wg] draft-ginsberg-isis-l2bundles Ahmed Bashandy (bashandy)