[Isis-wg] isis-wg agenda slots for ietf-92 and proposed meeting time.
Christian Hopps <chopps@chopps.org> Sun, 22 February 2015 12:35 UTC
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Cc: Hannes Gredler <hannes@juniper.net>, Christian Hopps <chopps@chopps.org>
Subject: [Isis-wg] isis-wg agenda slots for ietf-92 and proposed meeting time.
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The preliminary IETF-92 agenda has been posted and the 1 hour isis-wg meeting is tentatively scheduled for 5:40-6:40pm on Thursday, March 26th, this is subject to change. If you would like an agenda slot for the upcoming IS-IS WG meeting @IETF92 in Dallas, please send the chairs a request. Thanks, Chris & Hannes.
- [Isis-wg] isis-wg agenda slots for ietf-92 and pr… Christian Hopps
- [Isis-wg] Draft isis-wg agenda and meeting time. Christian Hopps