Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New BoF as a Follower of IPWAVE WG
CARLOS JESUS BERNARDOS CANO <> Fri, 23 September 2022 08:42 UTC
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Subject: Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New BoF as a Follower of IPWAVE WG
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Dear Paul, Glad to see this effort. I hope you manage to get the energy and participants that we were missing in IPWAVE at the end. Thanks, Carlos On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 6:09 PM Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong <> wrote: > Hi IPWAVE WG, > I want to notify you of the effort of a new BoF to work on > the problems and solutions that are addressed on our IPWAVE Problem > Statement Draft: > > > I have submitted a BoF request to the IETF on September 8 as follows: > > > > This BoF is called IPv6 Moving Object Networking (ipmon) and > it tries to accommodate more moving objects (e.g., terrestrial vehicles, > aerial vehicles, and marine vehicles) for safe driving with IPv6 wireless > networking. > > Here is the Charter of IPMON BoF: > ---------------------------------------------- > IPv6 Moving Object Networking (ipmon) > > --- > Charter for Working Group > > Moving objects of terrestrial vehicles (e.g., automobiles, motorcycles, > and electric scooters), aircrafts > (e.g., unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) like drones, airplanes, and > helicopters), watercrafts (e.g., boats, > ships, and submarines), and mobile robots for smart buildings are > increasingly connected to the > Internet through various wireless communications. Comfort-enhancing > entertainment applications, > driving/flying/sailing safety applications using bidirectional data flows, > and connected automated > maneuvering are some of the new features expected in moving objects > (denoted as vehicles in this > charter) to hit the movement spaces (e.g., roadway, street, sky, river, > and sea) from now to year 2022. > > Today, there is Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications that makes use > of embedded Internet > modules, or an occupant's cellular smartphone in vehicular networks. > Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) > communications is used for wireless exchange of critical safety and > operational data between > vehicles and infrastructure nodes (e.g., road-side units and edge > computing devices), intended > primarily to avoid vehicle crashes and road hazards. Similarly, > Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) > communications is used for short-range communications between vehicles to > exchange vehicle > information such as vehicle speed, heading, braking status, and collision > situations. > Also, Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) communications is used for short-range > communications between > vehicles and pedestrians' mobile devices (e.g., smartphone and smart > watch) to exchange street > context information such as the existence of moving objects (e.g., cars, > trucks, pedestrians, bikes, > motorcycles, and electric scooters) and collision situations. > > This group will work on use cases of V2X (e.g., V2V, V2I, and V2P) where > IPv6 is well-suited as a > networking technology and will develop IPv6-based solutions to establish > direct and secure > connectivity among moving objects or among moving objects and stationary > systems. > These vehicular networks are characterized by dynamically changing network > topologies and > connectivity. > > V2V and V2I communications may involve various kinds of link layers: > 802.11-OCB (Outside the > Context of a Basic Service Set), 802.15.4 with 6lowpan, 802.11ad, VLC > (Visible Light > Communications), IrDA, LTE-D, LP-WAN, UWB, and 5G V2X. One of the most > used link layers > for vehicular networks is IEEE 802.11-OCB, as a basis for Dedicated > short-range communications > (DSRC). Several of these link-layers already provide support for IPv6. > IPv6 on 802.11-OCB has > been fully defined by IPWAVE WG since 2019. However, IPv6 on 5G V2X needs > to be fully > defined by this working group. Some aspects of the IPv6 over 5G V2X have > been already > defined at 3GPP specification and the specification produced by this > working group is expected > to be compatible with these aspects. > > This group's primary deliverable (and the only Standards track item) will > be a document that will > specify the mechanisms for transmission of IPv6 datagrams over 3GPP 5G > V2X. Once this > document is completed, it will also be reviewed by the 6man working group. > Along with this work, > the following key technologies, which are identified by IPWAVE WG's > problem statement and > use cases document, need to be standardized for moving objects as follows. > > Program of Work > =============== > > The IPMON working group's deliverables include: > > 1. Basic Support for IPv6 over 5G V2X > 2. Vehicular Neighbor Discovery > 3. Vehicular Mobility Management > 4. Vehicular Security and Privacy > 5. Context-Aware Navigation Protocol for Physical Collision Avoidance in > Vehicular Networks > 6. Service Discovery for Moving Objects > 7. DNS Naming for Moving Objects > ---------------------------------------------- > > My SKKU team is working for IETF-115 Hackathon Project > for "Basic Support for IPv6 over 5G V2X" and "Context-Aware Navigation > Protocol" > for drones in London. > > Let's gather NEW ENERGY for this new BoF. > > If you have interest and support in this new BoF, please let us know. > > Thanks. > > Best Regards, > Paul > -- > =========================== > Mr. Jaehoon (Paul) Jeong, Ph.D. > Associate Professor > Department Head > Department of Computer Science and Engineering > Sungkyunkwan University > Office: +82-31-299-4957 > Email:, > Personal Homepage: > <> >
- [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New BoF a… Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New B… CARLOS JESUS BERNARDOS CANO
- Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New B… YounHee Han
- Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New B… Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New B… Alexandre Petrescu
- Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New B… 최영환
- Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New B… Yong-Geun Hong
- Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New B… Dirk.von-Hugo
- [ipwave] IETF-115 IPMON BoF Side Meeting Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] IETF-115 IPMON BoF Side Meeting Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] IETF-115 IPMON BoF Side Meeting Yiwen Shen (Chris)
- [ipwave] Fwd: IETF-115 IPMON BoF Side Meeting Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] IETF-115 IPMON BoF Side Meeting Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] IETF-115 IPMON BoF Side Meeting Bob Hinden
- Re: [ipwave] IETF-115 IPMON BoF Side Meeting Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] IETF-115 IPMON BoF Side Meeting Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] IETF-115 IPMON BoF Side Meeting Erik Kline
- Re: [ipwave] IETF-115 IPMON BoF Side Meeting Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] Fwd: IETF-115 IPMON BoF Side Meeting… Alexandre Petrescu
- Re: [ipwave] Fwd: IETF-115 IPMON BoF Side Meeting… Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] IETF-115 IPMON BoF Side Meeting Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] IETF-115 IPMON BoF Side Meeting Jari Arkko
- Re: [ipwave] IETF-115 IPMON BoF Side Meeting Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong