[ipwave] Fwd: IETF IPWAVE WG - Liaison statement from ITU-T CITS: LS on provision of inputs to the online ITS communication standards database

Alexandre Petrescu <alexandre.petrescu@gmail.com> Mon, 04 October 2021 09:27 UTC

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The ITU-T CITS group (CITS==Collaboration on ITS Standards) issued this 
formal liaison statement to several SDOs, including IETF and the IPWAVE 
WG.  I am not a formal liaison to this group, but I transmit the message.

The message describes a bit what is CITS, and informs about its database 
of standards related to ITS.  That database lists, among others, the RFC 
8691 and the current I-D about vehicular networking.  The message also 
invites interested persons to contribute to the database.



PS: this is a brief text excerpt from the word document:

> The Collaboration on ITS communication standards (CITS) serves as an 
> international platform for the coordination of globally acceptable, 
> and harmonized standards on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) 
> in order to enable the rapid deployment of fully interoperable ITS 
> communication-related products and services.
> In keeping with its mandate, in March 2019 CITS agreed to establish an 
> online database for ITS Communication Standards. To furnish this 
> database with key inputs from participating SDOs, these entities were 
> invited to review the categorisation of their related-standards and to 
> appoint an expert to maintain the relevant communication standards in 
> the online database.
> Over the course of two years, the database has been significantly 
> updated with inputs received through liaison statements as well as 
> those presented during the six monthly CITS meetings.
> The current version of the online database is already accessible here 
> <https://www.itu.int/net4/ITU-T/landscape#?topic=0.131&workgroup=1&searchValue=&page=1&sort=Revelance>. 
> It includes standards from 3GPP, ETSI, IEEE, IETF, ISO, ITU, SAE, TTC, 
> and W3C.
> In order to keep this database as up to date as possible, CITS would 
> like to encourage you to participate regularly in the CITS e-meetings 
> and provide any relevant inputs either via presentations to the 
> meeting or through formal channels including liaison statements.

-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : 	IETF IPWAVE WG - Liaison statement from ITU-T CITS: LS on 
provision of inputs to the online ITS communication standards database
Date : 	Fri, 17 Sep 2021 15:08:05 +0000
De : 	TSB CITS Secretariat, ITU <tsbcits@itu.int>
Pour : 	alexandre.petrescu@gmail.com <alexandre.petrescu@gmail.com>
Copie à : 	suresh@kaloom.com <suresh@kaloom.com>, cjbc@it.uc3m.es 
<cjbc@it.uc3m.es>, T.Russell Shields <trs@roaddb.com>, Polidori, Stefano 
<stefano.polidori@itu.int>, Menon, Mythili <mythili.menon@itu.int>, TSB 
CITS Secretariat, ITU <tsbcits@itu.int>

Dear colleagues,

At its meeting [E-meeting, 10 September 2021], ITU-T CITS agreed to the 
attached liaison statement to be sent to IETF IPWAVE WG.

[sp16-cits-iLS-00013]: LS on provision of inputs to the online ITS 
communication standards database.

Best regards,



*CITS Secretariat*

*Stefano POLIDORI, Mythili MENON & Carolina LIMA
*International Telecommunication Union

Telecommunication Standardization Bureau

https://www.itu.int/go/cits <https://www.itu.int/go/cits>| 
tsbcits@itu.int <mailto:tsbcits@itu.int>