Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New BoF as a Follower of IPWAVE WG
N S <> Thu, 29 September 2022 08:49 UTC
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From: N S <>
To: "Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong" <>, "" <>
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Thread-Topic: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New BoF as a Follower of IPWAVE WG
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Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2022 08:49:31 +0000
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Subject: Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New BoF as a Follower of IPWAVE WG
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Hi all, I support this BoF. I am currently working with a number of eVTOL manufacturers who are currently in testing phases and one my internal issues I am currently exploring is V2I communication and whether the bearer networks provided by network providers in countries can handle the data flow on top of the consumer data flows since at the moment there is no plan to build new infrastructure to support influx of smart vehicles but use existing infrastructure. Thanks Niv Siva From: its <> On Behalf Of Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong Sent: 23 September 2022 01:00 To: Cc: skku-iotlab-members <>; Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong <> Subject: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New BoF as a Follower of IPWAVE WG Hi IPWAVE WG, I want to notify you of the effort of a new BoF to work on the problems and solutions that are addressed on our IPWAVE Problem Statement Draft: I have submitted a BoF request to the IETF on September 8 as follows: This BoF is called IPv6 Moving Object Networking (ipmon) and it tries to accommodate more moving objects (e.g., terrestrial vehicles, aerial vehicles, and marine vehicles) for safe driving with IPv6 wireless networking. Here is the Charter of IPMON BoF: ---------------------------------------------- IPv6 Moving Object Networking (ipmon) --- Charter for Working Group Moving objects of terrestrial vehicles (e.g., automobiles, motorcycles, and electric scooters), aircrafts (e.g., unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) like drones, airplanes, and helicopters), watercrafts (e.g., boats, ships, and submarines), and mobile robots for smart buildings are increasingly connected to the Internet through various wireless communications. Comfort-enhancing entertainment applications, driving/flying/sailing safety applications using bidirectional data flows, and connected automated maneuvering are some of the new features expected in moving objects (denoted as vehicles in this charter) to hit the movement spaces (e.g., roadway, street, sky, river, and sea) from now to year 2022. Today, there is Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications that makes use of embedded Internet modules, or an occupant's cellular smartphone in vehicular networks. Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications is used for wireless exchange of critical safety and operational data between vehicles and infrastructure nodes (e.g., road-side units and edge computing devices), intended primarily to avoid vehicle crashes and road hazards. Similarly, Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communications is used for short-range communications between vehicles to exchange vehicle information such as vehicle speed, heading, braking status, and collision situations. Also, Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) communications is used for short-range communications between vehicles and pedestrians' mobile devices (e.g., smartphone and smart watch) to exchange street context information such as the existence of moving objects (e.g., cars, trucks, pedestrians, bikes, motorcycles, and electric scooters) and collision situations. This group will work on use cases of V2X (e.g., V2V, V2I, and V2P) where IPv6 is well-suited as a networking technology and will develop IPv6-based solutions to establish direct and secure connectivity among moving objects or among moving objects and stationary systems. These vehicular networks are characterized by dynamically changing network topologies and connectivity. V2V and V2I communications may involve various kinds of link layers: 802.11-OCB (Outside the Context of a Basic Service Set), 802.15.4 with 6lowpan, 802.11ad, VLC (Visible Light Communications), IrDA, LTE-D, LP-WAN, UWB, and 5G V2X. One of the most used link layers for vehicular networks is IEEE 802.11-OCB, as a basis for Dedicated short-range communications (DSRC). Several of these link-layers already provide support for IPv6. IPv6 on 802.11-OCB has been fully defined by IPWAVE WG since 2019. However, IPv6 on 5G V2X needs to be fully defined by this working group. Some aspects of the IPv6 over 5G V2X have been already defined at 3GPP specification and the specification produced by this working group is expected to be compatible with these aspects. This group's primary deliverable (and the only Standards track item) will be a document that will specify the mechanisms for transmission of IPv6 datagrams over 3GPP 5G V2X. Once this document is completed, it will also be reviewed by the 6man working group. Along with this work, the following key technologies, which are identified by IPWAVE WG's problem statement and use cases document, need to be standardized for moving objects as follows. Program of Work =============== The IPMON working group's deliverables include: 1. Basic Support for IPv6 over 5G V2X 2. Vehicular Neighbor Discovery 3. Vehicular Mobility Management 4. Vehicular Security and Privacy 5. Context-Aware Navigation Protocol for Physical Collision Avoidance in Vehicular Networks 6. Service Discovery for Moving Objects 7. DNS Naming for Moving Objects ---------------------------------------------- My SKKU team is working for IETF-115 Hackathon Project for "Basic Support for IPv6 over 5G V2X" and "Context-Aware Navigation Protocol" for drones in London. Let's gather NEW ENERGY for this new BoF. If you have interest and support in this new BoF, please let us know. Thanks. Best Regards, Paul -- =========================== Mr. Jaehoon (Paul) Jeong, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department Head Department of Computer Science and Engineering Sungkyunkwan University Office: +82-31-299-4957 Email:<>,<> Personal Homepage:<>
- [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New BoF a… Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New B… Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New B… Alexandre Petrescu
- Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New B… Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New B… 선경재
- Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New B… Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong
- Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New B… Tae Oh
- Re: [ipwave] Request for Your Interest on a New B… N S