[ipwave] dont use smartphone while driving
Alexandre Petrescu <alexandre.petrescu@gmail.com> Wed, 25 September 2019 11:55 UTC
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Subject: [ipwave] dont use smartphone while driving
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Hi, I post this message as just once, so as to not risk being out of scope, or to debate, or whatever. I start by acknowledging, at one point I was a big user of driving and typing on laptop, filming, all these things at the same time. One of my challenges was to film the highest speed counter at which the IP connection was still up. However, it is not a good thing. It is a huge risk to drive and do something else at the same time, like tapping on a screen or typing on a keyboard. Whatever the excuse, it is not a good reason. If one absolutely needs to use a keyboard or a tapping screen or talking on the phone at the same time as driving, then a very good idea is to get a passenger programmer. If you dont drive, and you are safely fixed in an office for example, but someone calls you to discuss something serious about business and other important things, and you realize s/he's actually driving, then hang on immediately. Dont bother explaining why and dont present excuses, because it takes too long. Before calling someone, try to figure out whether s/he's driving. An app featuring a button labelled 'Is s/he driving?' is probably a good idea towards making driving safer. Alex
- [ipwave] dont use smartphone while driving Alexandre Petrescu
- Re: [ipwave] dont use smartphone while driving Abdussalam Baryun
- Re: [ipwave] dont use smartphone while driving Alexandre Petrescu