Re: [ipwave] [secdir] Secdir telechat review of draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicular-networking-27

"Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong" <> Wed, 30 March 2022 16:53 UTC

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From: "Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong" <>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2022 01:51:53 +0900
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To: Daniel Migault <>
Cc: "" <>, Daniel Migault <>, "" <>, "" <>, Chris Shen <>, skku-iotlab-members <>, "Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong" <>
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Subject: Re: [ipwave] [secdir] Secdir telechat review of draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicular-networking-27
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Hi Daniel,
Here is the revision of IPWAVE PS Draft:

I attach a revision letter to explain how Chris and I have addressed your
on the revision.


Best Regards,

On Thu, Mar 3, 2022 at 4:40 AM Daniel Migault <daniel.migault=> wrote:

> -- clicking too fast
> Reviewer: Daniel Migault
> Review result: Has Issues
> Hi,
> I have reviewed this document as part of the security directorate's
> ongoing effort to review all IETF documents being processed by the
> IESG.  These comments were written primarily for the benefit of the
> security area directors.  Document editors and WG chairs should treat
> these comments just like any other last call comments.
> Please find my comments below:
> 1.  Introduction
>    Vehicular networking studies have mainly focused on improving safety
>    and efficiency, and also enabling entertainment in vehicular
>    networks.  The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the US
>    allocated wireless channels for Dedicated Short-Range Communications
>    (DSRC) [DSRC] in the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) with
>    the frequency band of 5.850 - 5.925 GHz (i.e., 5.9 GHz band).  DSRC-
>    based wireless communications can support vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V),
>    vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), and vehicle-to-everything (V2X)
>    networking.  The European Union (EU) allocated radio spectrum for
>    safety-related and non-safety-related applications of ITS with the
>    frequency band of 5.875 - 5.905 GHz, as part of the Commission
>    Decision 2008/671/EC [EU-2008-671-EC].
> <mglt>
> I am wondering US/EU covers all spectrum allocation worldwide ?
> </mglt>
> 3.2.  V2I
>    The emergency communication between accident vehicles (or emergency
>    vehicles) and a TCC can be performed via either IP-RSU or 4G-LTE
>    networks.  The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet)
>    [FirstNet] is provided by the US government to establish, operate,
>    and maintain an interoperable public safety broadband network for
>    safety and security network services, e.g., emergency calls.  The
>    construction of the nationwide FirstNet network requires each state
>    in the US to have a Radio Access Network (RAN) that will connect to
>    the FirstNet's network core.  The current RAN is mainly constructed
>    using 4G-LTE for the communication between a vehicle and an
>    infrastructure node (i.e., V2I) [FirstNet-Report], but it is expected
>    that DSRC-based vehicular networks [DSRC] will be available for V2I
>    and V2V in the near future.
> <mglt>
> Is this use case restricted to the US or do we have any equivalent in EU
> for
> example ? <mglt>
> 3.3.  V2X
>    The use case of V2X networking discussed in this section is for a
>    pedestrian protection service.
> <mglt>
> I do have an issue with such use case - of course if my understanding is
> correct. My understanding from the description is that the use case
> explains
> how pedestrian can advertise its presence to a vehicle so avoid the
> vehicle to
> hit that pedestrian. Such assumption does not seem to me acceptable as not
> everyone has a phone, and their security - from a vehicle perspective -
> NOT be provided by such a mechanism as it would given a false sense of
> security. If a vehicle is not able to detect a pedestrian unless this
> pedestrian has a working smartphone with a specific application, the
> problem is
> bigger and out of scope of the IETF. I can also see that in some
> countries, it
> will become the pedestrian's fault if it is hit without its application.
> As I
> understand it, I find this use case extremely dangerous, so my request
> would be
> to remove it or if I misunderstood it to clarify its scope. <mglt>
> ________________________________________
> From: secdir <> on behalf of Daniel Migault via
> Datatracker <>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 2:36 PM
> To:
> Cc:;
> Subject: [secdir] Secdir telechat review of
> draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicular-networking-27
> Reviewer: Daniel Migault
> Review result: Has Issues
> 1.  Introduction
>    Vehicular networking studies have mainly focused on improving safety
>    and efficiency, and also enabling entertainment in vehicular
>    networks.  The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the US
>    allocated wireless channels for Dedicated Short-Range Communications
>    (DSRC) [DSRC] in the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) with
>    the frequency band of 5.850 - 5.925 GHz (i.e., 5.9 GHz band).  DSRC-
>    based wireless communications can support vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V),
>    vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), and vehicle-to-everything (V2X)
>    networking.  The European Union (EU) allocated radio spectrum for
>    safety-related and non-safety-related applications of ITS with the
>    frequency band of 5.875 - 5.905 GHz, as part of the Commission
>    Decision 2008/671/EC [EU-2008-671-EC].
> <mglt>
> I am wondering US/EU covers all spectrum allocation worldwide ?
> </mglt>
> 3.2.  V2I
>    The emergency communication between accident vehicles (or emergency
>    vehicles) and a TCC can be performed via either IP-RSU or 4G-LTE
>    networks.  The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet)
>    [FirstNet] is provided by the US government to establish, operate,
>    and maintain an interoperable public safety broadband network for
>    safety and security network services, e.g., emergency calls.  The
>    construction of the nationwide FirstNet network requires each state
>    in the US to have a Radio Access Network (RAN) that will connect to
>    the FirstNet's network core.  The current RAN is mainly constructed
>    using 4G-LTE for the communication between a vehicle and an
>    infrastructure node (i.e., V2I) [FirstNet-Report], but it is expected
>    that DSRC-based vehicular networks [DSRC] will be available for V2I
>    and V2V in the near future.
> <mglt>
> Is this use case restricted to the US or do we have any equivalent in EU
> for
> example ? <mglt>
> 3.3.  V2X
>    The use case of V2X networking discussed in this section is for a
>    pedestrian protection service.
> <mglt>
> I do have an issue with such use case - of course if my understanding is
> correct. My understanding from the description is that the use case
> explains
> how pedestrian can advertise its presence to a vehicle so avoid the
> vehicle to
> hit that pedestrian. Such assumption does not seem to me acceptable as not
> everyone has a phone, and their security - from a vehicle perspective -
> NOT be provided by such a mechanism as it would given a false sense of
> security. If a vehicle is not able to detect a pedestrian unless this
> pedestrian has a working smartphone with a specific application, the
> problem is
> bigger and out of scope of the IETF. I can also see that in some
> countries, it
> will become the pedestrian's fault if it is hit without its application.
> As I
> understand it, I find this use case extremely dangerous, so my request
> would be
> to remove it or if I misunderstood it to clarify its scope. <mglt>
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