Re: [ipwave] Flying cars and taxi one step closer to reality

Alexandre Petrescu <> Thu, 19 September 2019 08:21 UTC

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SEveral companies do more and more flying taxis, now safely with people 
on board. It takes some courage, but it's a wider audience now.

3. France 2 Telematin samedi 14 octobre "Futur du Transport Urbain", à 
partir du 2:48:36 dela video

Le 24/01/2019 à 16:34, Templin (US), Fred L a écrit :
> Hi Alex,
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: its [] On Behalf Of Alexandre Petrescu
>> Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2019 3:47 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [ipwave] Flying cars and taxi one step closer to reality
>> Impressive,
> Thanks.
>> The kind of thrill seeing these videos is similar to seeing (manned)
>> first plane vertical take-offs.
>> Airbus also featured air taxi ambitious concepts (cartoons) on youtube
>> since almost two years.
>> A company named AKKA in Europe proposes a similar concept of more of a
>> plane (horizontal take-off) which self-... flies.
>> The Dubai air taxi did fly a year ago, but there was no human inside, so
>> one legitimately wonders whether it could actually carry that much weight.
>> The new thing about the boeing video is that we see larger propellers
>> and a dummy body inside (hopefully weighted).  It seems much closer to
>> implementations.  Impressive.
>> The next step would be to see a human take responsibility of sitting on
>> the drone while lifting a few meters above ground.  Like in what they
>> did with first elevator in NYC, first man in first plane, bridge
>> engineer first walk on bridge, agency director first liftoff towards
>> first man in space, etc.  Until then one still doubts :-)
> Already been done, and a long time ago (Lunar Landing Research
> Vehicle (LLRV) - 1969):
> Fred
>> Remark, contrary to the self-piloting(?) air taxies, the challenge for
>> self-driving cars is to see a car, or a group of cars, on the road
>> _without_ humans inside.  One did see drivers with hands off the wheel,
>> drivers on passenger seats (nobody on driver's seat), etc.
>> Alex
>> Le 23/01/2019 à 16:46, Templin (US), Fred L a écrit :
>>> Hi, lately we have been talking quite a bit about flying cars and taxis in a
>>> theoretical sense, but today Boeing has issued a public announcement
>>> showing that they are one step closer to reality. Here is your air taxi for
>>> the urban air mobility environment:
>>> Thanks - Fred
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