Re: [ipwave] Comments on draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicular-networking-23

"Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong" <> Thu, 30 September 2021 10:18 UTC

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From: "Mr. Jaehoon Paul Jeong" <>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2021 19:17:53 +0900
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To: "Templin (US), Fred L" <>
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Subject: Re: [ipwave] Comments on draft-ietf-ipwave-vehicular-networking-23
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Hi Fred,
Sure, I will add your suggested text for AERO and OMNI to the Appendix B of
our IPWAVE PS draft
along with your suggested updates.


Best Regards,

On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 11:05 PM Templin (US), Fred L <> wrote:

> Paul, a couple of comments on the -23 draft version:
> 1) For AERO, change the title expansion to “Automatic Extended Route
> Optimization”.
> 2) The correct references for AERO and OMNI are:
> 3) Appendix B now seems to say a lot about RPL and not much about
> Please add the following to Appendix B:
> "AERO and OMNI together securely and efficiently address the “6 M’s of
> Modern Internetworking” for mobile V2V, V2I and V2X Clients, including:
> 1. Multilink – a Client's ability to coordinate multiple diverse
> underlying data links as a
> single logical unit (i.e., the OMNI interface) to achieve the required
> communications
> performance and reliability objectives.
> 2. Multinet - the ability to span the OMNI link over a segment routing
> topology with multiple
> diverse administrative domain network segments while maintaining seamless
> end-to-end
> communications between mobile Clients and correspondents such as air
> traffic controllers,
> fleet administrators, etc.
> 3. Mobility - a Client's ability to change network points of attachment
> (e.g., moving between
> wireless base stations) which may result in an underlying interface
> address change, but
> without disruptions to ongoing communication sessions with peers over the
> OMNI link.
> 4. Multicast - the ability to send a single network transmission that
> reaches multiple
> Clients belonging to the same interest group, but without disturbing other
> Clients not
> subscribed to the interest group.
> 5. Multihop - a mobile Client vehicle-to-vehicle relaying capability
> useful when multiple
> forwarding hops between vehicles may be necessary to "reach back" to an
> infrastructure
> access point connection to the OMNI link.
> 6. MTU assurance - the ability to deliver packets of various robust sizes
> between peers
> without loss due to a link size restriction, and to dynamically adjust
> packets sizes to
> achieve the optimal performance for each independent traffic flow."
> That is all I have for now, but will let you know if I notice anything
> else.
> Thanks - Fred