[Jmap] Re: Review of draft-ietf-jmap-essential-01
Lisa Dusseault <lisa.dusseault@gmail.com> Wed, 13 November 2024 01:09 UTC
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From: Lisa Dusseault <lisa.dusseault@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 17:09:01 -0800
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Subject: [Jmap] Re: Review of draft-ietf-jmap-essential-01
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Thanks for your responses. I've been thinking over the architecture for the past few days, and wanted to question whether profiling JMAP existing methods is actually the easiest/best approach to import/export. Focusing purely on export, and keeping the conversation very high level, I note that with this proposal, each client has to figure out what combination of queries to make and data to ask for, and each server needs to figure out how to support any query the client might make within the profile limits. ISTM that queries that miss some resources or cover some resources more than once are all too easy to build. I wonder if we can't build something more robust - more direct guidance to the purpose, less possibilities to do unexpected creative things. For example, how about a method for /export directly? Although this would be a new method, it can be much more limited than /get and /query combined are, and it lets the server know what the intent is. It can have some flexibility to operate on subsets of a full mailbox, but also doesn't have to have the full flexibility of /query. Thinking as an implementor, a single mechanism that's new is a lot easier to figure out how to implement from the spec, than correlating a profile spec and a core spec and also trying to predict or learn what clients are likely to ask. I don't know that this would necessarily be better - that depends on the goals of profiling JMAP for import/export. Not just the main stated goal, but I think there are some unstated goals like having a path for going from partial-JMAP to full-JMAP (which I think a separate method does anyway as it still builds on the basic connection and basic data model work). WDYT? Lisa On Tue, Nov 12, 2024 at 3:19 AM Joris Baum <joris@audriga.com> wrote: > Hi Lisa, > > Replied inline > > On 07.11.24 23:34, Lisa Dusseault wrote: > > > > I did a partial review of draft-ietf-jmap-essential-01. >
- [Jmap] Review of draft-ietf-jmap-essential-01 Lisa Dusseault
- [Jmap] Re: Review of draft-ietf-jmap-essential-01 Joris Baum
- [Jmap] Re: Review of draft-ietf-jmap-essential-01 Lisa Dusseault
- [Jmap] Re: Review of draft-ietf-jmap-essential-01 Joris Baum