[jose] jose wg meeting at ietf90
Karen ODonoghue <odonoghue@isoc.org> Fri, 11 July 2014 16:09 UTC
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Folks, I requested a one hour meeting slot in Toronto as a placeholder in case we needed some face to face time to discuss any issues related to the progression of the four documents through the IESG process. As fate would have it, we ended up with a two hour slot. I don't expect we will use all that time. I also realize that we are conflicting with the Cloud Identity Summit which is taking away some of our regular participants. The draft agenda is currently below. Any comments or additions are welcome. JOSE WG meeting @ IETF 90 MONDAY, July 21, 2014, 13:00 - 15:00 (Salon A) 1. Admin (Chairs) 2. Open issues on four core documents (Chairs) 3. Cookbook status (Miller) 4. TZI's thoughts regarding possible adaption of JOSE to CBOR (Bormann) Regards, Karen
- [jose] jose wg meeting at ietf90 Karen ODonoghue
- Re: [jose] jose wg meeting at ietf90 Mike Jones