[Json] merge-patch in APPSA and i-json in JSON
Larry Masinter <masinter@adobe.com> Tue, 08 July 2014 17:27 UTC
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From: Larry Masinter <masinter@adobe.com>
To: "apps-discuss@ietf.org" <apps-discuss@ietf.org>, "json@ietf.org" <json@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: merge-patch in APPSA and i-json in JSON
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I don't like to cross-post, but it seems appropriate for this narrow topic: JSON WG is defining i-json profile in draft-ietf-json-i-json APPSA WG is defining merge operation data structure in draft-ietf-appsawg-json-merge-patch Both are nearing WG last call. Reading in prep for Toronto, I have questions I can't readily answer looking at the two documents: - Does application/merge-patch+json require/default to the i-json profile? - Is merge operation defined for target JSON that isn't i-json? - If so, does it preserve i-json? (is the result i-json if the original was i-json? - Or is merge required to, or allowed to, ALWAYS produce i-json? You'd think it should be easy to answer these questions given the two documents. Perhaps I'm missing the obvious. If there's a problem, I'm not sure which one would need to change. Possibly both. Could we see some editorial collaboration to make the answers clearer? Larry -- http://larry.masinter.net
- [Json] merge-patch in APPSA and i-json in JSON Larry Masinter
- Re: [Json] [apps-discuss] merge-patch in APPSA an… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Json] [apps-discuss] merge-patch in APPSA an… John Cowan
- Re: [Json] [apps-discuss] merge-patch in APPSA an… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Json] [apps-discuss] merge-patch in APPSA an… Carsten Bormann
- Re: [Json] [apps-discuss] merge-patch in APPSA an… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Json] [apps-discuss] merge-patch in APPSA an… Larry Masinter
- Re: [Json] [apps-discuss] merge-patch in APPSA an… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Json] [apps-discuss] merge-patch in APPSA an… Carsten Bormann
- Re: [Json] [apps-discuss] merge-patch in APPSA an… Larry Masinter
- Re: [Json] [apps-discuss] merge-patch in APPSA an… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Json] [apps-discuss] merge-patch in APPSA an… Larry Masinter
- Re: [Json] [apps-discuss] merge-patch in APPSA an… Joe Hildebrand (jhildebr)
- Re: [Json] [apps-discuss] merge-patch in APPSA an… Martin J. Dürst
- Re: [Json] [apps-discuss] merge-patch in APPSA an… Martin J. Dürst
- Re: [Json] [apps-discuss] merge-patch in APPSA an… Carsten Bormann
- Re: [Json] [apps-discuss] merge-patch in APPSA an… Carsten Bormann