[Json] String comparisons -- LAST CHANCE ON PROPOSALS
Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@vpnc.org> Tue, 11 June 2013 17:44 UTC
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Greetings again. The following thread has died off, with two proposals. If none of "leave the text in the draft as-is" or the following proposals would be acceptable to you, please propose specific text that would be acceptable. --Paul Hoffman Proposal 1 ========== In Section 2.5. Strings, immediately before the ABNF add: For purpose of establishing key equality, comparisons MUST be conducted, after all unescaping is done, by comparing numeric character code points. There is to be no modification of any kind to the characters in keys, including case-changing or combining-form normalization. For example, the following four keys MUST be considered equivalent: * "\u002F" * "\u002f" * "\/" * "/" Proposal 2 ========== In Section 2.5. Strings, immediately before the ABNF add: For purpose of establishing key equality, comparisons MUST be conducted, after all unescaping is done, by comparing numeric character code points. There MUST NOT be any modification of any kind to the characters in keys, including change of case or change between precomposed and decomposed forms. For example, the following four keys MUST be considered equivalent: * "\u002F" * "\u002f" * "\/" * "/"
- [Json] String comparisons -- LAST CHANCE ON PROPO… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Json] String comparisons -- LAST CHANCE ON P… Stefan Drees
- Re: [Json] String comparisons -- LAST CHANCE ON P… Markus Lanthaler
- Re: [Json] String comparisons -- LAST CHANCE ON P… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Json] String comparisons -- LAST CHANCE ON P… Joe Hildebrand (jhildebr)
- Re: [Json] String comparisons -- LAST CHANCE ON P… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Json] String comparisons -- LAST CHANCE ON P… Martin J. Dürst
- Re: [Json] String comparisons -- LAST CHANCE ON P… Carsten Bormann
- Re: [Json] String comparisons -- LAST CHANCE ON P… Paul Hoffman
- Re: [Json] String comparisons -- LAST CHANCE ON P… Carsten Bormann
- Re: [Json] String comparisons -- LAST CHANCE ON P… Pete Resnick