[Json] Proposal to move forward on acceptable roots
"Joe Hildebrand (jhildebr)" <jhildebr@cisco.com> Fri, 30 May 2014 16:13 UTC
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From: "Joe Hildebrand (jhildebr)" <jhildebr@cisco.com>
To: "json@ietf.org" <json@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: Proposal to move forward on acceptable roots
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Date: Fri, 30 May 2014 16:13:37 +0000
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Subject: [Json] Proposal to move forward on acceptable roots
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One way we could go on the topic of what goes in the root that would work for me would be for us to add a non-normative section to I-JSON giving protocol design advice, and move the issue of potential incompatibility of non-[object,array] roots to that section. Into that section, we can also put some suggestions about how to encode integers, floats, and dates in strings, how to do forward-compatibility with objects (MUST ignore what you don't understand), and whatever other pearls of wisdom we come up with. Yes, I know that will make the document take longer, and open up other areas for us to argue about. -- Joe Hildebrand
- [Json] Proposal to move forward on acceptable roo… Joe Hildebrand (jhildebr)
- Re: [Json] Proposal to move forward on acceptable… Tim Bray
- Re: [Json] Proposal to move forward on acceptable… Jacob Davies
- Re: [Json] Proposal to move forward on acceptable… Carsten Bormann
- Re: [Json] Proposal to move forward on acceptable… Nico Williams
- Re: [Json] Proposal to move forward on acceptable… Matthew Morley
- Re: [Json] Proposal to move forward on acceptable… Tim Bray
- Re: [Json] Proposal to move forward on acceptable… Jacob Davies