[Json] On representing what ECMA wants

Paul Hoffman <paul.hoffman@vpnc.org> Wed, 19 June 2013 03:01 UTC

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<two chair hats on>

On Jun 18, 2013, at 7:06 PM, Douglas Crockford <douglas@crockford.com> wrote:

> I think this is the standard that ECMA wants to publish.

As you know from our earlier off-list discussions, you do not represent ECMA, nor even TC39, to the IETF, nor even to this WG. Everyone from TC39 represents themselves here. Your statement above still implies authority that doesn't exist.

ECMA and TC39 leadership has had, and probably will continue to have, discussions about whether ECMA wants to have an official position on what they want to see from the IETF. Until we hear that from those higher-ups, no one speaks for ECMA here (and no one speaks for the IETF in TC39). Please try harder to refrain from suggesting that particular technical or process decisions would be what ECMA wants. Thanks in advance.

--Matt and Paul