[kitten] CAMMAC and ticket server principal binding
Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU> Fri, 08 August 2014 20:21 UTC
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Subject: [kitten] CAMMAC and ticket server principal binding
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In the current CAMMAC draft, the KDC verifier binds the CAMMAC contents to all the EncTicketPart fields, which includes the ticket client principal, all of the timestamps, and the ticket session key, but not the ticket server principal. Sam pointed this out in http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/kitten/current/msg04774.html but I wanted a thread to discuss the issue specifically. With the current binding, a KDC cannot assume that the contents of a CAMMAC originated from a KDC in a ticket issued for the claimed service. The scope for potential tampering is narrow but extant. Imagine that I know the keys for two different services svc1 and svc2. I receive a ticket for svc1. I can extract the CAMMAC from that ticket, then print up a ticket for svc2 containing a CAMMAC with the same contents. If the new ticket uses the same session key, timestamps, and client principal, then the kdc-verifier in the CAMMAC will appear valid to the KDC, even though it originated in a ticket issued to svc1. (The svc-verifier would appear invalid if I simply copied it, but I can construct a valid svc-verifier using my knowledge of svc2's key.) As Sam noted, we have two options: we can add a ticket server binding, or we can document that there isn't one. Most of the people I have talked to are in favor of documenting, for these reasons: * All of the ways we could bind the ticket server add some additional complexity to the specification and to implementations. * The types we have so far proposed to put inside CAMMAC only make statements about the client or the means of client authorization, not the relationship between the client and a specific service. * The purpose of the kdc-verifier is to allow CAMMAC contents to be propagated to a ticket for a different service. If the CAMMAC contains a hypothetical authdata type which talks about the relationship between the client and the old service, it would need to discarded or recomputed for the new service. * A hypothetical authdata type which talks about the client-server relationship should probably bind to the service principal (perhaps just by naming it) independently of CAMMAC, in case a KDC ignorantly propagates it to a ticket for a different service. Do other people have conflicting opinions?
- [kitten] CAMMAC and ticket server principal bindi… Greg Hudson
- Re: [kitten] CAMMAC and ticket server principal b… Benjamin Kaduk
- Re: [kitten] CAMMAC and ticket server principal b… Jeffrey Hutzelman