Re: [kitten] Critical authorization data in Kerberos
Greg Hudson <ghudson@MIT.EDU> Sat, 02 August 2014 21:20 UTC
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Subject: Re: [kitten] Critical authorization data in Kerberos
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On 08/02/2014 03:59 PM, Nordgren, Bryce L -FS wrote: > 1] Mandatory auth data sounds to me like something that absolutely everything in the domain (including the KDC) needs to understand consistently, due to the fact that it is essentially broadcast to all domain services. It results in permitting or denying access by the holder of a service ticket (to all services? To some but not others?). Since permitting or denying access based on information possessed by the KDC could be implemented simply by not issuing a ticket, why communicate this to services at all? Are there some cases where the KDC is unaware of a critical piece of information to make the decision? RFC 4120 envisions authdata which is understood by the client and server, but not the KDC. Much as you can request a ticket for a shorter lifetime than the maximum lifetime, you could conceivably request a ticket that can only be used for specific purposes. Authorization can be finer-grained than completely denying access to a service, so it cannot always be implemented as a TGS policy. You could have access to an HTTP server but not access to all of its resources, for instance. Authorization data does not have to be broadcast to every service in a domain. It could be requested by the client in a TGS request or even in an AP request, or originated by the KDC for some service tickets and not others. > 2] Would the notion of "splitting the difference" be helpful? Keep the auth data processing out on the services, but have the KDC only encode mandatory auth data it expects a particular service to abide by. This approach has the domain-wide effect of "Mandatory if applicable", but the semantics of "Mandatory for you, Service X". It also puts the KDC in control of what is considered applicable to what services. I think this approach may allow service implementations to start obeying "mandatory" ad without fear of breaking all services in the entire domain. Making the KDC aware of software capabilities on each server is not always easy to administer, especially as there is no standard way for servers to communicate information like that to a KDC. > 3] What pieces of auth data have presented themselves as uniformly mandatory for all of a domain's web services, file servers, workstations, directory services, etc. to respect? I think I covered this in my post: nothing so far. The only standardized mandatory authdata element I'm aware of is AD-fx-fast-armor, and that is only intended to be mandatory for the KDC.
- [kitten] Critical authorization data in Kerberos Greg Hudson
- Re: [kitten] Critical authorization data in Kerbe… Nordgren, Bryce L -FS
- Re: [kitten] Critical authorization data in Kerbe… Greg Hudson
- Re: [kitten] Critical authorization data in Kerbe… Nordgren, Bryce L -FS
- Re: [kitten] Critical authorization data in Kerbe… Nico Williams
- Re: [kitten] Critical authorization data in Kerbe… Benjamin Kaduk
- Re: [kitten] Critical authorization data in Kerbe… Jeffrey Hutzelman
- Re: [kitten] Critical authorization data in Kerbe… Nico Williams
- Re: [kitten] Critical authorization data in Kerbe… Benjamin Kaduk
- Re: [kitten] Critical authorization data in Kerbe… D.Rogers