Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth-12

Bill Mills <> Wed, 18 December 2013 02:12 UTC

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Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 18:11:51 -0800
From: Bill Mills <>
To: Bill Mills <>, "Matt Miller (mamille2)" <>, Shawn M Emery <>, "" <>
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Subject: Re: [kitten] WGLC on draft-ietf-kitten-sasl-oauth-12
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Matt's edits are included in my working copy and viewable/commentable at though I don't have the fancy diff version.


William J. Mills
"Paranoid" Yahoo!

On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 5:25 PM, Bill Mills <> wrote:
Inline below.  I need to fix the examples as you note.


William J. Mills
"Paranoid" Yahoo!

On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 2:47 PM, Matt Miller (mamille2) <> wrote:
On Dec 15, 2013, at 11:15 PM, Shawn M Emery <> wrote:

> This message officially starts the 2nd kitten Working Group Last Call for the following document:
> A set of SASL Mechanisms for OAuth
> The Working Group Last Call for this document starts today on Sunday, December 15th and will end on Tuesday, December 31st.
> Please send any comments to the kitten mailing list or directly to the chairs.  Even if you reviewed this document and found no
 issues then please provide this feed-back.

Here are my current comments on this draft (more might come later):


* Removing the GS2-header (which was done in revision -11) also removed the ability for the client to specify an authorization identity.  If the lack of an authorization identity is acceptable (and I suspect it is not for some), then the document needs to state these mechanisms do not support authz-id.

[wmills] This is addressed in 3.2.1 of -12  authz-id is possible in some OAuth schemes.

* In section 3.2.2. Server Response to Failed Authentication, returning a space-separated list for the "scope" field is NOT RECOMMENDED, but also says the lack of a "scope" (value or field) implies the client SHOULD request tokens that are unscoped (empty list of scopes). 
 However, RFC 6749 § 3.3 does not permit unscoped tokens; the ABNF does not allow for "scope=" (i.e., the empty list), and the text regarding the lack of scope means the authorization server uses a default scope value (or fails authorization outright).  To me, this seems like a contradiction that would lead to interoperability problems.

[wmills] "scope" is an optional parameter, so if you want an empty value you don't send scope at all.


* In section 2. Terminology, it does not explicitly state that the reader ought to be familiar with terminology from RFC 4422.  This should be added.

[wmills] OK

* In section 3.2.2. Server Response to Failed Authentication, the last paragraph still discusses channel binding.  It should be removed.

[wmills] OK

* All of the examples
 include a gs2-header, but this was removed from the ABNF.  The examples need to be updated to remove the header.

* In section 8.1. Normative References, there is an entry for RFC 5056, but this reference is no longer used in the document.  It should be removed.

[wmills] OK


* HTTP is mentioned but no citation or definition is included.
* XMPP is mentioned but no citation or definition is included.

[wmills] OK x2

* In section 1. Introduction, SMTP is mentioned with a citation but without a definition (unlike SASL and IMAP immediately preceding).

[wmills] I see "SMTP [RFC5321]" there

* In section 3. OAuth SASL Mechanism Specifications, the two lists describing success and failure flows are in fact ordered (numbered), but the document presents them as unordered (symbols).

[wmills] OK

* In section 3.2.2. Server Response to Failed Authentication, replace [[ need registry name ]] with "OAuth Extensions Error Registry".

[wmills] OK

* In section 4.2. Failed Exchange, the "status" value of "401" is not in the OAuth Extensions Error Registry; "invalid_request" seems appropriate here instead.

* In section 4.3. SMTP Example of a Failed Negotiation, the (encoded) server response uses a "status" value of "401", which is not in the OAuth Extensions Error Registry; "invalid_token" seems appropriate here instead.

[wmills] Will fix the 2 above (as opposed to OK which indicates I already did the edit)

* In section 5. Security Considerations, he phrase "This document specifies three SASL mechanisms should be "This document specifies two SASL mechanisms".

[wmills] OK

* In Appendix A. Acknowledgements, "area directors" should be "area director".

[wmills] OK

- m&m

Matt Miller < >
Cisco Systems, Inc.

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