Re: [sasl] MOGGIES Proposed Charter

Alexey Melnikov <> Wed, 19 May 2010 09:01 UTC

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Subject: Re: [sasl] MOGGIES Proposed Charter
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Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:

> --On Tuesday, May 18, 2010 02:15:22 PM -0500 Nicolas Williams 
> <> wrote:
>> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:12:33PM -0600, Shawn Emery wrote:

>>> This working group will review SASL related submissions as well,
>>> including any new SASL mechanisms proposed.
>> New SASL mechanisms?  Why not new GSS-API mechanisms?  Why not close the
>> WG (and even SASL) to new non-GS2 mechanisms?  Might there be conflicts
>> with EMU?
> This WG should review proposals for new SASL and GSS-API mechanisms, 
> and such work should be considered to fall within its general scope, 
> but it should be constrained to actually work only on mechanisms 
> specifically listed in the charter.  If we want to work on a new 
> mechanism, we can amend the charter.


> It should also be willing to provide advice and review on 
> non-mechanism proposals such as defining use of SASL or GSS-API in a 
> new or existing protocol.  However, actual work on such proposals 
> should be done in the relevant WG for the protocol in question, and 
> _not_ in the new one.

I think I was quite clear on this in my reply, but in case I wasn't: +1.