[kitten] Verified authorization data
Peter Mogensen <apm@one.com> Wed, 11 June 2014 12:21 UTC
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Hi, Greg Hudson summes up the situation fine here. I feel the urge to comment. (below) On 2014-06-10 18:30, Greg Hudson wrote: > In the Kerberos 5 authdata model, the KDC is assumed to blindly pass > through authdata requested by the client. If the authdata is to be > trusted by the target service as something vetted by the KDC, it needs > to be packaged accordingly. > > The traditional method for doing this is a container called > AD-KDC-ISSUED which contains a checksum for the authdata in a key which > cannot be known (in advance) by the client. This container has not seen > much practical use, and it turns out that RFC 4120 says conflicting > things about which key to use for the checksum. To the extent that > there are implementations, they use the ticket session key. > > A more recent container for this purpose is AD-CAMMAC, as specified in: > > http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-krb-wg-cammac-01 > > In addition to not having key ambiguity issues, AD-CAMMAC also contains > a KDC verifier which allows the authdata to be propagated through an > S4U2Proxy request. I did some work to implement RFC6806 AD-LOGIN-ALIAS which requires AD-KDC-ISSUED and noticed the ambiguity in RFC4120 regarding which key to use for the checksum. I also noticed that AD-CAMMAC explicitly uses the service-key (and not the ticket session key) to do the same. ... and that to embed a ~10 bytes username in a ticket as AD-LOGIN-ALIAS I end up increasing the ticket size with about 110 bytes. - which is a rather significant increase if you are worried about ticket sizes. So, I wonder... is this really the optimal way to extend a ticket with verified information? If I just wanted to verify the login-alias to the service it seems like a waste of ~100 bytes to checksum it with the service-key (like RFC4120 also states). If it wasn't for the authdata-model Greg describes above, where the DC is assumed to blindly pass through authdata requested by the client, then no checksum would have been needed. The ticket it self would protect the integrity of the field. (and saving ~100 bytes ticket size). It seems to me that a lot of complexity in verifying authdata originates from this authdata model where the client can put anything it likes in the authorization-data. This is of course useful for negative authorization, but makes things complicated for positive authorization data. (like simple info the KDC just want to assert to the service, like AD-LOGIN-ALIAS) The solution in AD-CAMMAC seems very complex too, requiring effectively calculating the entire EncTicketPart twice - and once for every present AD-CAMMAC present. Things would have been much simpler if there were an authdata field in a ticket outside of the clients control. Now, - I know - there's probably very good reasons why extending the EncTicketPart and Ticket definitions is difficult, but... In an ideal world, maybe something like: EncTicketPart ::= [APPLICATION 3] SEQUENCE { flags [0] TicketFlags, key [1] EncryptionKey, crealm [2] Realm, cname [3] PrincipalName, transited [4] TransitedEncoding, authtime [5] KerberosTime, starttime [6] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, endtime [7] KerberosTime, renew-till [8] KerberosTime OPTIONAL, caddr [9] HostAddresses OPTIONAL, authorization-data [10] AuthorizationData OPTIONAL protected-authdata [11] AuthorizationData OPTIONAL } Where the client can't add to "protected-authdata". This would make the AD-KDC-ISSUED and svc-verifier of AD-CAMMAC redundant. ( It would also relieve the clients from having to verify every AD-KDC-ISSUED element in order to find the one it's interested in - of course, this is an API artifact of libkrb5's krb5_verify_authdata_kdc_issued(). ) And then: Ticket ::= [APPLICATION 1] SEQUENCE { tkt-vno [0] INTEGER (5), realm [1] Realm, sname [2] PrincipalName, enc-part [3] EncryptedData -- EncTicketPart kdc-verifier [4] Verifier-MAC OPTIONAL, } Which would solve the S4U2proxy use case mentioned where the KDC needs to protect the Ticket from tampering by the service. Of course this changes some of the binding semantics of the current AD-CAMMAC draft. Specically this now binds all authdata together with one checksum. But the kdc-verifier cannot be verified without the Ticket anyway. This would also make the need for a special AD-CAMMAC limited to providing for "other-verifiers" I realize that it's non-trivial to extend these ASN.1 definitions, but something similar was suggested in draft-ietf-krb-wg-ticket-extensions To do the above example there will also have to be API-changes. Like krb5_find_authdata() needs to know about this. But it seems AD-CAMMAC will require minor API changes too, since it uses the service-key and not the session-key like implementations of AD-KDC-ISSUED (as Greg mentioned). Using the session-key is a lot easier for client verification. Using the service-key would probably need krb5_rd_req() to verify AD-CAMMAC to avoid the application having to look up its service-key independently . So maybe it's worth investigating if there's anyway to provide verified/signed AD-DATA in a simpler way, requiring smaller tickets and less computation when signing/verifying. I hope these thoughts are not so naive that the answer is that it will require a new protocol version or a new tkt-vno... ;-) /Peter
- [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Zheng, Kai
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Thomas Hardjono
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Greg Hudson
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Nordgren, Bryce L -FS
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Zheng, Kai
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Zheng, Kai
- [kitten] Verified authorization data Peter Mogensen
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Zheng, Kai
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Zheng, Kai
- Re: [kitten] Verified authorization data Simo Sorce
- Re: [kitten] Verified authorization data Peter Mogensen
- Re: [kitten] Verified authorization data Simo Sorce
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Nathaniel McCallum
- Re: [kitten] Verified authorization data Peter Mogensen
- Re: [kitten] Verified authorization data Simo Sorce
- Re: [kitten] Verified authorization data Peter Mogensen
- Re: [kitten] Verified authorization data Simo Sorce
- Re: [kitten] Verified authorization data Peter Mogensen
- Re: [kitten] Verified authorization data Simo Sorce
- Re: [kitten] Verified authorization data Peter Mogensen
- Re: [kitten] Verified authorization data Simo Sorce
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Simo Sorce
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Zheng, Kai
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Zheng, Kai
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Wang Weijun
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Zheng, Kai
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Zheng, Kai
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Simo Sorce
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Dr. Greg Wettstein
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Zheng, Kai
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Zheng, Kai
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Simo Sorce
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Zheng, Kai
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Greg Hudson
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Zheng, Kai
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Benjamin Kaduk
- Re: [kitten] Token Preauth for Kerberos Zheng, Kai