Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-pe-05
"Ali Sajassi (sajassi)" <> Mon, 20 October 2014 05:46 UTC
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From: "Ali Sajassi (sajassi)" <>
To: Martin Vigoureux <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-pe-05
Thread-Topic: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-pe-05
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Support. -Ali On 10/19/14, 12:00 PM, "Martin Vigoureux" <> wrote: >Hello Working Group, > >This email starts a two-week poll on adopting >draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-pe-05 [1]. > >Please send comments to the list and state if you support adoption or >not (in both cases please also state the reasons). > >This poll runs until November the 3rd. > > >Coincidentally, we remind you to check and then state on this list if >you are aware, or not, of any undisclosed IPR (according to IETF IPR >rules, see RFCs 3979, 4879, 3669 and 5378 for more details) relating to >draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-pe-05 > >If you are listed as a document author or contributor please respond to >this email and state whether or not you are aware of any relevant >IPR. The response needs to be sent to the L3VPN WG mailing list. The >document will not advance to the next stage until a response has been >received from each author and contributor. > >If you are on the L3VPN WG email list but are not listed as an author or >contributor, then please explicitly respond only if you are aware of any >IPR that has not yet been disclosed in conformance with IETF rules. > >Thank you > >M&T > >--- >[1] > >
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Linda Dunbar
- WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-pe-05 Martin Vigoureux
- RE: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Luyuan Fang
- RE: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Bitar, Nabil N
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Henderickx, Wim (Wim)
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Ali Sajassi (sajassi)
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Robert Raszuk
- RE: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… NAPIERALA, MARIA H
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Luay Jalil
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Thomas Morin
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… ningso
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Jeff Tantsura
- 答复: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Haoweiguo
- 答复: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Lizhenbin
- Re: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… ningso
- Re: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… Benson Schliesser
- RE: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Wang, Wen
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Gabriele Maria Galimberti (ggalimbe)
- Re: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… Chris Lewis (chrlewis)
- Re: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… Henderickx, Wim (Wim)
- RE: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… UTTARO, JAMES
- RE: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Daniele Ceccarelli
- RE: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Mach Chen
- Re: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… Andrew G. Malis
- RE: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… Manuel.Paul
- Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-virtual-p… Sami Boutros (sboutros)
- RE: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… Bruno Rijsman
- RE: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… Lucy yong
- Re: [bess] WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3vpn-vi… Bitar, Nabil N
- Poll Closed [Re: WG adoption poll - draft-fang-l3… Martin Vigoureux
- Re: [bess] Poll Closed [Re: WG adoption poll - dr… Luyuan Fang