[ldapext] A more radical approach to 2307
Andrew Findlay <andrew.findlay@skills-1st.co.uk> Fri, 04 December 2015 18:00 UTC
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Subject: [ldapext] A more radical approach to 2307
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RFC2307, 2307bis and DBIS all start from the NIS/YP/files-in-etc model and represent the data in LDAP with varying degrees of fidelity. Is this actually a good idea? I rather think not. The big value of LDAP and related things in complex organisations is that it allows a single abstract representation of 'important stuff' that can be used by many systems. To work in this environment the systems have to be flexible, with minimal built-in assumptions about the data. We have already established that no abstract representation can provide the full generality and semantics of each system's native database so compromise and simplification is essential. With this in mind (and donning my best flameproof suit) I suggest a radical approach to the task in hand: Throw out most of the 2307 NIS-like definitions. Consider what an Enterprise-level LDAP service might really contain *before* any OS-specific or app-specific requirements are imposed on it. Create new schema if needed to support a clean representation of that Enterprise data. Create new AUXILIARY classes to support the attributes needed for POSIX systems. The resulting set of attributes and classes would be *much* smaller than the 2307 set. Some whole categories could just vanish, e.g.: All the shadow password stuff (draft-behera is difficult enough and we don't need to duplicate its function on the client side) memberUid (we really *dont* need a POSIX-specific way to represent groups, and the syntax of memberUid does not even match that of uid) Most of the less-used NIS-map attributes and classes could be hived off into separate documents, or even dumped in favour of a generic structural lookup table with explicit case ignore/case sensitive semantics. Andrew -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | From Andrew Findlay, Skills 1st Ltd | | Consultant in large-scale systems, networks, and directory services | | http://www.skills-1st.co.uk/ +44 1628 782565 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ldapext] A more radical approach to 2307 Andrew Findlay
- Re: [ldapext] A more radical approach to 2307 Jim Willeke
- Re: [ldapext] A more radical approach to 2307 Michael Ströder
- Re: [ldapext] A more radical approach to 2307 Bannister, Mark
- Re: [ldapext] A more radical approach to 2307 Jordan Brown