[ldapext] LDAP work at IETF...
Ludovic Poitou <ludovic.poitou@gmail.com> Sun, 25 January 2015 20:36 UTC
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Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 21:36:00 +0100
From: Ludovic Poitou <ludovic.poitou@gmail.com>
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Cc: Howard Chu <hyc@symas.com>, Michael Ströder <michael@stroeder.com>
Subject: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF...
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Hi Everyone, Over the years, there has been a number of documents related to the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) that have been left unfinished or are slowly progressing. There are a number of individuals that have interest in re-forming an IETF Working Group around LDAP to finish some of the work and make them on the Standard Track. Howard Chu and I are ready to lead that effort. I’d like to poll the audience of this mailing list on the interest of seeing this progressing. I would also like to hear about volunteers to work on those documents, either contributing text or reviewing them carefully. Please find below the list of documents that have been considered for the working group to finalise and get published (in no specific order): draft-findlay-ldap-groupofentries draft-stroeder-namedobject draft-stroeder-hashed-userpassword-values (informational draft-stroeder-mailboxrelatedobject RFC2307bis draft-behera-ldap-password-policy inetOrgPerson 2.0 Ludovic -- Ludovic Poitou http://ludopoitou.wordpress.com
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Michael Ströder
- [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Ludovic Poitou
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Gavin Henry
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Michael Ströder
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Clément OUDOT
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Michael Ströder
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Andrew Findlay
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Michael Ströder
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Mark R Bannister
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Michael Ströder
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Mark R Bannister
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Michael Ströder
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Mark R Bannister
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Michael Ströder
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Mark R Bannister
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Mark R Bannister
- [ldapext] RFC2307, netgroups, DBIS (was: LDAP wor… michael-catchall@mail.stroeder.local (POP3)
- [ldapext] RFC2307, netgroups, DBIS (was: LDAP wor… michael-catchall@mail.stroeder.local (POP3)
- Re: [ldapext] RFC2307, netgroups, DBIS Mark R Bannister
- Re: [ldapext] RFC2307, netgroups, DBIS Mark R Bannister
- Re: [ldapext] RFC2307, netgroups, DBIS Michael Ströder
- Re: [ldapext] RFC2307, netgroups, DBIS Michael Ströder
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Clément OUDOT
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Ludovic Poitou
- Re: [ldapext] RFC2307, netgroups, DBIS Mark R Bannister
- Re: [ldapext] RFC2307, netgroups, DBIS Mark R Bannister
- Re: [ldapext] RFC2307, netgroups, DBIS Michael Ströder
- Re: [ldapext] RFC2307, netgroups, DBIS Michael Ströder
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Barry Leiba
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Barry Leiba
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Michael Ströder
- Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF... Ludovic Poitou