[ldapext] LDAPCon 2015 Call for Papers
Andrew Findlay <andrew.findlay@skills-1st.co.uk> Thu, 29 January 2015 13:49 UTC
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Subject: [ldapext] LDAPCon 2015 Call for Papers
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LDAPCon 2015 ============ The fifth International Conference on LDAP and Directory Services will be held in the UK at the University of Edinburgh School of Informatics Forum. Tutorials: 11th November 2015 Conference: 12th and 13th November 2015 Call for papers and tutorials ============================= Topics You are using LDAP in interesting projects? You do LDAP client or server development? You have used LDAP in a new way? You have a proposal for a new LDAP standard? You do identity and access management on top of LDAP? Why not share your ideas and experiences with others? We are looking for speakers who are willing to talk about any topic related to LDAP and identity management, including: LDAP technology implementation (Servers, API, User interfaces etc.) LDAP Usage (Schema, Security, Operations, Scaling, big data, etc.) LDAP related technologies (PKI, XACML, SAML, etc.) LDAP and Beyond (IAM, Identity Federation, Authentication on the web, etc.) Best Practices for directory services. Accepted talks will be grouped into tracks such as a standards/development and deployment/administration. Deadlines & Important Dates Submission Deadline: 28th June Author Notification: 10th July Final Papers due: 10th October 2015 Tutorials: 11th November 2015 Conference: 12th-13th November 2015 Talk Submissions Main presentations should last about 45 minutes including discussion; we will also provide smaller slots of 15 minutes and 5 minutes for poster presentations or lightning talks. Please tell us which duration you prefer when proposing your talk. The talk must be in English. The one and only way to submit your abstract (approximately 200-800 words, accompanied by your biography of about 100-300 words) is via email to submissions@lists.ldapcon.org. Abstracts must reach the Program Committee by 28th June 2015. Early submission is encouraged. All abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee. For accepted talks we expect you to submit slides and/or a paper of approximately 2-10 pages (A4 or US Letter format, 25mm borders, preferably LaTeX source or OpenOffice). For 5-minute talks, a brief abstract is required. A short paper, slides or a poster should be provided for accepted talks. We will provide display boards for posters throughout the conference. By submitting a paper you grant the conference organizers the non-exclusive right to publish your paper in the conference proceedings and on the website; you maintain the right to publish it elsewhere at your discretion. Tutorial Submissions We are looking for high-quality tutorials on LDAP and related subjects, at any level from introductory to advanced. Tutorial length can range from an hour to a full day. Wireless Internet access will be available if required. The purpose of the tutorials is focussed education, so they should cover established topics and best practice rather than presenting new work. Tutorials will be on Wednesday 11th November 2015. The Programme Committee has an open mind about the format of the tutorial day, but has a limited number of rooms available. Make your proposal early and we will aim to build an attractive programme for the day. Expenses Speakers get free access to the conference, including the social event. If requested in advance we will provide accommodation for speakers. Travel expenses might also be covered in special cases. If you need this, please contact us early so we can try to arrange it. Website http://ldapcon.org/2015/ Contacts General enquiries: enquiries@lists.ldapcon.org Paper/Tutorial submissions: submissions@lists.ldapcon.org -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | From Andrew Findlay, Skills 1st Ltd | | Consultant in large-scale systems, networks, and directory services | | http://www.skills-1st.co.uk/ +44 1628 782565 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ldapext] LDAPCon 2015 Call for Papers Andrew Findlay