Re: [ldapext] LDAP work at IETF...

Michael Ströder <> Fri, 23 January 2015 16:22 UTC

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Ludovic Poitou wrote:
> Please find below the list of documents that have been considered for the
> working group to finalise and get published (in no specific order):

For a WG we probably have to write a charter.
Who's willing to draft one?

> draft-stroeder-namedobject 
> draft-stroeder-hashed-userpassword-values (informational
> draft-stroeder-mailboxrelatedobject 

Obviously I'm interested to proceed with these drafts under the umbrella of a
new/revived LDAP WG within IETF.

> RFC2307bis 

Recent work also raised my interested to get this in a really good shape as a
possible base line for more sophisticated approaches like DBIS or Æ-DIR (TBR).
So I'd be willing to act as an editor if Howard does not have the time for it.
Kurt recently raised the bar regarding IANA considerations though.

> draft-behera-ldap-password-policy

We already shortly discussed this at LDAPcon 2013. Anyone here?

> inetOrgPerson 2.0

This will be surely a larger work item with a lot of different opinions
(although most people are missing the same things).

Ciao, Michael.