Re: [link-relations] NEW APP DATA

Julian Reschke <> Tue, 10 August 2010 08:16 UTC

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On 10.08.2010 09:53, Ian Hickson wrote:
>> I explained that already. Define behavior for user agents (as discussed
>> last year), not HTML-specific validity constraints.
> The proposal does both. Are you saying I should file separate
> registrations for whether something is a hyperlink or an external resource
> link, and whether something is allowed on<link>  or<a>/<area>? I suppose
> we could do that but that would just make the interface with the HTML spec
> a bit more complicated, and I don't understand how that would help anyone.
> Are other languages also interested in the distinction between hyperlinks
> and external resource links? I assumed this was just an HTML issue.

Actually, I'd prefer a single flag for link/external resource (and yes, 
this may affect other languages as well), and keep the conformance 
related flags out of the IANA registry (but again, this is just the 
opinion of one of the D.E.s).

>>> Surely we don't want to update HTML each time there's a change to the
>>> registry? Or is that what you're saying we should do? I don't
>>> understand.
>> What I'm saying is that "noreferrer" should be allowed on<a>/<area>  and
>> <link>; as far as I can tell, your proposal disallows it for<link>
>> (consistent with HTML5, so this is a bug in HTML5), and also disallows
>> it for<a>/<area>  (which seems to be a bug in your registration).
> I don't understand how it affects noreferrer. That keyword isn't listed in
> the registry and isn't in the proposal as far as I can tell.

You are right. Sorry.

So, taking another example where the flags are different for <link> and 
<a>/<area>: why is "bookmark" disallowed on link?

> At this point I'm unsure how to proceed. Is the registration request
> denied? Should I just send the request again but listing the keywords that
> are not allowed rather than the keywords that are hyperlinks, and with the
> default switched around? I don't really understand this process.

Apparently, we (you and I) are still discussing the registration.

Let me summarize again my concerns:

- Unconvinced that <a> and <link> require different treatment.

- Unconvinced that the IANA registry needs to carry metadata for HTML 

- Unconvinced that the default of "no" for <link> is right. If somebody 
defines a link relation, and it doesn't make sense on <link>, then it 
appears that something is very wrong with the proposed semantics of the 
link relation.

-> Proposal: just define a flag that reflects the "hyperlink"/"external 
resource" distinction.

Best regards, Julian