[link-relations] rel="longdesc"
Leif Halvard Silli <xn--mlform-iua@xn--mlform-iua.no> Thu, 12 August 2010 04:43 UTC
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Hi! I consider registering "longdesc" as a link relation. What is the best way forward for something like that? Longdesc is the name of a link attribute of <img>, <frame> and <iframe> in HTML4. Yesterdady, the HTML5 working group issued a decision which precludes longdesc from being valid in HTML5 documents. That decision may change, of course. However, an idea to replace it with <a rel="longdesc" href=* ><img alt=* src=* /></a> was presented to the HTMLwg at an earlier stage. And I would like to continue with that idea. Such a solution could also possibly broaden/generalize the concept so that other elements than <img> (e.g. <object>) could be staffed with longdesc links. HTML4 describes longdesc as follows {my notes are within curly parenthesis, the rest is quotes}: * link to long description (complements alt) {IMG} * link to long description (complements title) {iframe/frame} * This attribute specifies a link to a long description of the image. This description should supplement the short description provided using the alt attribute. When the image has an associated image map, this attribute should provide information about the image map's contents. This is particularly important for server-side image maps. Since an IMG element may be within the content of an A element, the user agent's mechanism in the user interface for accessing the "longdesc" resource of the former must be different than the mechanism for accessing the href resource of the latter. {img} * This attribute specifies a link to a long description of the frame. This description should supplement the short description provided using the title attribute, and may be particularly useful for non-visual user agents. {iframe/frame} * {the content of a longdesc is URI.} A prelimnary registration form: o Application Name: ??? o Description: a link from an object with a short (that is: basic) description to a resource containing a longer (that is: supplementary) description of the same object o Default Value: ??? o Notes: This link relation is connected to accessibility use cases. The user should be able to expect that the long description resource is accessible. The purpose is to implement the semantics of the longdesc link attribute of HTML4 as a "normal" link with a longdesc relationship. The longdesc link is expected to be programmatically associated with short description, so that the user - if wanted - can jump directly from the short description at hand, to the long description. I expect that it will take some time before I can eventually complete this project - so there is no need to rush an answer, I think. However, I would like to get some input on how it could be solved and if there are some principle issues which needs to be solved. -- leif halvard silli
- [link-relations] rel="longdesc" Leif Halvard Silli