[lisp] Re: Review draft-ietf-lisp-te

Dino Farinacci <farinacci@gmail.com> Thu, 30 May 2024 16:17 UTC

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Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 09:17:18 -0700
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Subject: [lisp] Re: Review draft-ietf-lisp-te
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> On May 30, 2024, at 6:07 AM, Luigi Iannone <ggx@gigix.net> wrote:
> Dino,
> Private emails, with insulting content, will not help progress the document.

I didn’t insult you. I made a conclusion you didn’t understand something since I repeated the explanation several times. 

> Since apparently we are not able to converge, my co-chair Padma accepted to handle this document from now on.

Just because commenters have comments doesn’t mean all of them need fixing. And we need to agree to disagree. 

> Please wait her review of the draft.
> As a participant of the LISP WG, and with no hats on, my concerns remain unaddressed (despite proposing very detailed and easy fixes). 
> Second example in  section 4 remains unclear and misleading. See: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/lisp/CzJjLCgCZquCPOkhv56-q3DZTRE/
> The general organisation of the document can be improved.
> As of now it is a bunch of use cases where for each one we see the same structure:
> 	Here is a cool thing you can do using LISP ELPs….  
> 	In order to do it you MUST do this or SHOULD do that….. 
> In other words the specifications that need to be implemented are scattered all over the document. The risk is that people interested in one single use case will implement only part of the specs.

I implemented it and so did cisco with no problems. 

> My suggestion is to move a few paragraph in one single place so to have the document organized in two main parts: A section with all the specifications; A section with all the use cases.
> My first review included detailed suggestions of the few simple cut & paste to be done: https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/lisp/3zIUevHl8ZbqfKgwjXhJ8Z-FUlA/

Yes I know what you commented on. I don’t want to make the changes. I want to focus on all the documents that I am responsible for and this document is just not as important as the other ones. 

We have a real deadline now. I won’t be doing IETF after 2025. So now we have to be laser focused and not take > 5 years to move documents forward. 
