[lisp] Rtgdir early review of draft-ietf-lisp-geo-06

Ines Robles via Datatracker <noreply@ietf.org> Sat, 01 June 2024 23:21 UTC

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Reviewer: Ines Robles
Review result: Not Ready

Reviewer: Ines Robles
Date: 01-06-2024
Version reviewed:draft-ietf-lisp-geo-06


This draft describes how Geo-Coordinates can be used in the LISP Architecture
and Protocols. The draft updates RFC 8060.

The draft is well-constructed and comprehensive but can benefit from additional
details and clarifications, as suggested below:


It would be nice to add information about:

1- The document mentions compatibility with OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP. It is
suggested to provide examples of how LISP with geo-coordinates interoperates
with these protocols.

2- The draft doesn't mention which LISP messages the geo-coordinates encoding
should be used in. It is suggested to add explicitly in which LISP messages
(such as Map-Register?) the geo-coordinates encoding should be used, to provide
clearer guidance for implementers and newcomers.

3- How the geo-coordinates encoding will interoperate with existing LISP
deployments, including any backward compatibility issues.

4- How to handle errors such as invalid geo-coordinate data or missing fields.

5- The performance impact of including geo-coordinates in LISP messages, such
as increased message size and processing overhead.

6-  Are the geo-coordinates incorporated in control plane operations?

7- Perhaps to include some Manageability Considerations?

8- How geo-coordinates can aid in selecting alternate paths and improving
network resilience. how geo-coordinates could help manage dynamic and mobile

9- In the security considerations, what about add description on attacks
related to geo-coordinates such as location spoofing?


10 - Abstract: "Geo-Coordinates can used in..." -> "Geo-Coordinates can be used
in ..." 11 - Introduction: "...introduces two..." -> "...introduce two..." 12 -
Section 4.2: "... in any on the inner ..." -> "... in any of the inner ..." 13
- Sometimes "Geo-Coordinates" is used and sometimes "geo-coordinates".
Suggestion to use one format. 14 - Suggestion to expand on First use the
acronyms: LISP, LCAF, ETR and RTR. 15 - Add a caption for the LCAF encoding
figure and an introductory sentence to introduce the figure. 16- In the LCAF
encoding figure, two AFI fields are depicted. Add a description for each one.
For example, "The AFI field is set to 16387 to indicate that the address is
using the LCAF format." And for the other AFI, "The AFI field indicates the
Address Family Identifier for the following address...?" Also, add an
explanation for the Address field.

Thanks for this document,
