[lisp] WG Last Call on draft-lisp-introduction-07

Luigi Iannone <ggx@gigix.net> Sat, 25 October 2014 12:03 UTC

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Subject: [lisp] WG Last Call on draft-lisp-introduction-07
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A lot of work has been done lately on draft-ietf-lisp-introduction-07 and the authors requested a work group last call.

This email starts a WG last call, to end November 14th, 2014.

You will find the document here:
http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-lisp-introduction-07 <http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-lisp-introduction-07>

Please review this WG document.  Let the working group know if you agree that it is ready for handing to the AD, or if you see issues with it. 
If you see issues, please be as specific as possible about the problems, and if possible suggest text to resolve them.

Joel & Luigi