[lisp] Document Action: 'Signal-Free LISP Multicast' to Experimental RFC (draft-ietf-lisp-signal-free-multicast-09.txt)
The IESG <iesg-secretary@ietf.org> Mon, 12 March 2018 16:24 UTC
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Subject: [lisp] Document Action: 'Signal-Free LISP Multicast' to Experimental RFC (draft-ietf-lisp-signal-free-multicast-09.txt)
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The IESG has approved the following document: - 'Signal-Free LISP Multicast' (draft-ietf-lisp-signal-free-multicast-09.txt) as Experimental RFC This document is the product of the Locator/ID Separation Protocol Working Group. The IESG contact persons are Alvaro Retana, Alia Atlas and Deborah Brungard. A URL of this Internet Draft is: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-lisp-signal-free-multicast/ Technical Summary The document propose an extension to the LISP Multicast mechanism in the specific case where sources and receivers are placed in LISP sites but the core network interconnecting these sites does not support any form of multicast. The proposed mechanism allow to create an overlay. More specifically this overlay create a unicast replication tree allowing to deliver multicast traffic from the sources to all receivers using LISP unicast encapsulation. Working Group Summary The document has been around since 2014, and has been discussed several times. From the beginning, there was support, because it proposes a simple mechanism to effectively tackle the issue related to the lack of multicast support in the core network interconnecting LISP site using multicast. The WG has expressed a clear consensus on the -06 version of the document. While performing my review as a shepherd of the document I noticed that sometime the RFC 2119 terminology was missing/unclear. I asked the authors to clarify the text and this generated the -07 version, which the reference document for this write up. Because changing the RFC 2119 terminology is a technical change the -07 version of the document has been last called a second time to check if there was any objection from the WG. There was none. Document Quality There is at least one implementation of the proposed mechanism. Personnel Who is the Document Shepherd for this document? Luigi Iannone Who is the Responsible Area Director? Deborah Brungard