Re: [lisp] draft-farinacci-lisp-crypto-01 - Call for WG Adoption

Fabio Maino <> Thu, 04 December 2014 19:08 UTC

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I don't support adoption of this document.

The document is proposing an extension of the LISP header to support 
data plane security.  However, there has been quite a lot of discussion 
in various WGs, including LISP, about the need for a more flexible 
overlay encapsulation. Besides support for data plane security, the 
requirements include capability to support non IP payloads, and to 
support metadata for various applications including service chaining  
and policy tags.

I believe that rather than just adding incremental support for data 
plane security, the WG should  have a comprehensive look at how to 
extend the LISP header to address the requirements above. 
draft-lewis-lisp-gpe, that was presented to the WG a few times, tries to 
address all of those requirements.

Extending the semantic of the header to support data plane security, at 
least for HW implementations, comes at about the same cost of addressing 
all of the requirements above. I believe the same is true, to a lesser 
extent, even with SW implementations (at least those that deal with the 
encap in the kernel).


On 12/4/14, 3:27 AM, Luigi Iannone wrote:
> Hi All,
> During the 91st IETF authors of the draft-farinacci-lisp-crypto-01
> []
> asked for WG adoption. Meeting participants expressed consensus on adoption.
> This message begins the two weeks call for WG adoption to confirm the meeting outcome.
> The call ends on  December 19th 2014.
> Please respond to the LISP mailing list with any statements of approval or disapproval.
> Recall that:
> - This is not WG Last Call. The document is not final, and the WG is expected to
>    modify the document’s content until there is WG consensus that the content is solid.
>    Therefore, please don’t oppose adoption just because you want to see changes to its content.
> - If you have objections to adoption of the document, please state your reasons why,
>    and explain what it would take to address your concerns.
> - If you have issues with the content, by all means raise those issues and we can
>    begin a dialog about how best to address them.
> Luigi and Joel
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