Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi-Topology (MT) for Segment Routing based Virtual Transport Network” - draft-xie-lsr-isis-sr-vtn-mt-03
Gyan Mishra <> Mon, 03 May 2021 03:42 UTC
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From: Gyan Mishra <>
Date: Sun, 02 May 2021 23:42:00 -0400
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To: Tony Przygienda <>
Cc: "Acee Lindem (acee)" <>, "" <>
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Subject: Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi-Topology (MT) for Segment Routing based Virtual Transport Network” - draft-xie-lsr-isis-sr-vtn-mt-03
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Thanks Tony for the valuable feedback!! Gyan On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 2:59 AM Tony Przygienda <> wrote: > I never saw more than 3-4 MT "slices" deployed, Gyan. Operational > complexity basically. Usual Ks or 10Ks prefixes in main instance and not > more than maybe 1K in others. > > So practically speaking I would worry about operational procedures of such > a deployment first (OAM, connected topologies, provisioning [since both > sides of MT need matching configuration, as I said, on purpose from > experience operating such things then], validation). A controller makes a > lot sense here, not even necessarily as provisioning tool first but > visualization, OAM, operational analytics. Think basically that you're > getting yourself from "normal IGP" experience into something that will > resemble L3VPN more and you know the problems there pretty well ;-) > > Also, planning of fast reroute strategy is good, what links/mix of > topologies you want to protect others and will you have enough capacity > once FRR kicks in. There are commercial tools available to "simulate" that > kind of stuff and AFAIR decent amount of theoretical work done on necessary > algorithms (and since the solution space starts to become real large real > fast something like an A/B test with ML could deliver good results [weighed > decision trees or something like this]. The difficult thing being of course > to establish a cost function as in "is one topology down due to overload & > e'one protected without loss better than e'one losing some packets better > or worse"). > > --- tony > > > > On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 7:07 AM Gyan Mishra <> wrote: > >> Hi Tony >> >> One of the main concerns for operators as you have elaborated is the real >> world operators experiences aside from what you mentioned common use case >> of IPv6 as the first non zero MT, and vendor feedback on scalability and >> resource issues using many MT IPv4 and IPv6 separate instance and how well >> it scales or not and operational impacts with troubleshooting multiple RIB >> instances with common LSDB with discrete SPF instance per topology and >> control plane scale issues as the number of instances grows. >> >> Also complexity related to NOC troubleshooting and MTTR when you have >> let’s say 10 to 100 network slices for example, how complex do things get >> and is it manageable or not. >> >> As you have 12 bits of MT ID, 4096 instances is quite a lot. Could you >> really ever scale to 4096 MT instances, probably not. >> >> What is a real world practical hard limit from your experiences of number >> of prefixes per MT RIB and maximum number of MT RIB instances. >> >> Also a cross comparison of MI non zero instance IID/ITID comparing 100 >> ITID sub topologies to 100 MT RIB topologies and which scales better. >> >> Much appreciated your MT & MI experiences and real world feedback. >> >> >> Kind Regards >> >> Gyan >> >> On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 6:59 AM Tony Przygienda <> >> wrote: >> >>> Having had a long history with RFC5120 (and with the concept before IETF >>> was even afoot really) and their deployment in its time I cannot resist >>> finally chiming in a bit ;-) >>> >>> Well, first, it seems there is agreement that the drafts state fairly >>> straightforward things but as informational probably nothing wrong with >>> having it captured and I'd agree with that. >>> >>> Second, as to realities of MT in such architecture some musings based on >>> experience; >>> >>> a) MT was best used when faced with the problem of "alien" topologies, >>> e.g. introduction of v6 into a network when a lot of boxes/links couldn't >>> do v6 yet (there was a good set of discussions in its time around MT >>> strictly per node or per link being best approach and for many reasons link >>> based architecture was chosen) or need for drastically different forwarding >>> decision deviating from simple SPF (RPF problems). >>> b) using underlay to "slice" is an expensive proposition of course. The >>> costliest resources in large networks is really ASIC space in the core and >>> if the MTs are properly separated, that will take ASIC state. in simplest >>> form e.g. topology being mirrored into per DSCP bits lookup or something >>> like this. Nothing wrong with that if one has the $ (or CNY ;-) to foot the >>> bill for that and slicing underlay gives of course the best quality >>> assurance compared to overlay approaches AFAIS. >>> c) MT (well, at least in ISIS ;-) has been built to scale ;-), >>> originally 8 bits were suggested and then I asked others "what's the >>> biggest you can imagine" to which answer was 1024 MT which needed of course >>> a multiplication by 4 to make sure stuff will still work in 25 years where >>> we are today ;-) >>> d) SPF is to an extent only limitation of MT. the tree itself can be >>> computed very efficiently today (and there are techniques like incremental >>> SPF which can drastically lessen the cost of a computation and one can go >>> to the extent of throwing the SPF computations to a beefy side-box even and >>> most extreme, ASIC [unbelievale or not, this has been done for trees up to >>> a certain space ;-)]), the limiting factor is more prefix attachement and >>> prefix download on massive changes (but there is no reason any LFA would >>> not work with MT BTW, even to the point where an MT can protect another MT >>> or MT use all links when protecting disregarding MT itself, I'm not aware >>> of implementations but the theoretical thinking/whiteboarding has been done >>> here long ago albeit one has to know a fair bit of math [metric sets >>> largely]) to not blow up on a mine ;-) >>> e) main limiting factor of MT deployment was IME operational >>> discontinuity of topologies that happens much more often than one thinks it >>> does. That's why MT negotiates on every link the topologies so continuity >>> is clearly provisioned and can be tracked. Tools to visualize, manage all >>> that are much harder to operate than one would think, I assume because >>> humans generally have poor intuition concerning topological spaces under >>> different metrics. Just look how confused we are when we try to strike >>> something in a glass of water ;-) >>> b) yes, TE can be advertised in topologies but here is bunch of things >>> that fall out of it >>> i) oversubscription is a fact of life in such an architecture and >>> discussions about this will start quickly >>> ii) except in case of massive under-subscription (but even then) the >>> correct scheduling of MTs will become an issue and possibly pre-emption in >>> HW when the timing becomes tight enough. DetNet is an interesting romping >>> ground of ideas for that right now >>> iii) Even with under-subscription interesting problems crop up like >>> parties that don't need much resources under normal circumstances but in >>> case of emergencies are willing to pay any amount to allocate resources >>> their need and pre-empt any other traffic. >>> >>> --- tony >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 4:47 AM Gyan Mishra <> >>> wrote: >>> >>>> >>>> Hi Acee >>>> >>>> As an operator, I support adoption of the draft and would like to >>>> provide answers to your questions. >>>> >>>> I would like to start by stating that as this is an informational >>>> document, as nothing new is proposed other then the recommendation to use >>>> MT for VTN provisioning as a component of the 5G network slicing solutions, >>>> the benefit is that this concept can be used immediately as other NS >>>> features are still being developed. >>>> >>>> The solution for network slicing resource isolation is multi faceted >>>> involves Enhanced VPN+ provisioning, resource SIDs for provisioning >>>> underlay resources, SR-TE Per VPN or flow path steering to meet NS SLO >>>> requirements, as well as a method to isolate IGP resources for a VTN. >>>> >>>> MT is a component of the entire NS solution so there is really nothing >>>> to market as it’s not the only component used to provision the VTN. >>>> >>>> As their is a need for providing a viable means of provisioning IGP >>>> underlay resources VTN network slice and the ability to provide forwarding >>>> plane isolation via topological RIB without consuming tremendous control >>>> plane resources per instance as with MI. >>>> >>>> This draft does fill the gap of a means of forwarding plane isolation >>>> on shared infrastructure even though it does have scalability >>>> considerations. >>>> >>>> As other ideas of IGP forwarding plane isolation come about we are open >>>> to other solutions as well. >>>> >>>> As their are scalability concerns in section 5 that should be expanded, >>>> when MT should be used to support VTN and when should not. Agreed. >>>> >>>> I would deploy in a limited fashion taking into account the scalability >>>> concerns. >>>> >>>> Enhanced VPN VPN+ scalability issue are described in detail in this >>>> draft below. Lots of variables related to how many slices based on >>>> services which will eventually scale up but I think MT may suffice well in >>>> the beginning stages. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> There are many drafts and solutions in the works across many different >>>> WGs that are working on development of solution as to how network slicing >>>> and SLO can be realized by operators for 5G services. >>>> >>>> Of these drafts below there are a number of Enhanced VPN Framework VPN+ >>>> related drafts that are critical to the provisioning of various components >>>> of network slicing. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Kind Regards >>>> >>>> Gyan >>>> >>>> On Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 2:21 PM Acee Lindem (acee) <acee= >>>>> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Speaking as WG chair: >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> There has been considerable support for this document. However, there >>>>> has also been objections to the document. The objections are either that >>>>> there is nothing to standardize given that all pieces exist and that the MT >>>>> isn’t a viable option for VTNs since it isn’t scalable. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Since most of the draft’s support is from “friends and family”, I’d >>>>> like to know of the WG members who supported it, would you really want to >>>>> market it as a VTN solution? Those of you who operate networks, would you >>>>> actually consider deploying it? >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> In any case, section 5 needs to be expanded on the scalability and >>>>> where using MTs to support VTNs would make sense and where it wouldn’t. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Thanks, >>>>> Acee >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> *From: *Lsr <> on behalf of "Acee Lindem (acee)" >>>>> <> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> *Date: *Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 6:28 PM >>>>> *To: *"" <> >>>>> *Subject: *[Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi-Topology >>>>> (MT) for Segment Routing based Virtual Transport Network” - >>>>> draft-xie-lsr-isis-sr-vtn-mt-03 >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> This information draft describes how MT could be used for VTN >>>>> segmentation. The authors have asked for WG adoption. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> This begins a three week LSR Working Group Adoption Poll for “Using >>>>> IS-IS Multi-Topology (MT) for Segment Routing based Virtual Transport >>>>> Network” - draft-xie-lsr-isis-sr-vtn-mt-03. I’m giving it three weeks due >>>>> to the IETF next week. Please register your support or objection on this >>>>> list prior to the end of the adoption poll on 3/24/2020. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Thanks, >>>>> >>>>> Acee >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>> Lsr mailing list >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>> -- >>>> >>>> <> >>>> >>>> *Gyan Mishra* >>>> >>>> *Network Solutions A**rchitect * >>>> >>>> *Email <>* >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> *M 301 502-1347* >>>> >>>> _______________________________________________ >>>> Lsr mailing list >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> -- >> >> <> >> >> *Gyan Mishra* >> >> *Network Solutions A**rchitect * >> >> *Email <>* >> >> >> >> *M 301 502-1347* >> >> -- <> *Gyan Mishra* *Network Solutions A**rchitect * *Email <>* *M 301 502-1347*
- [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi-Top… Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Qin Wu
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Huzhibo
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Dongjie (Jimmy)
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- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Huaimo Chen
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Linda Dunbar
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Chongfeng Xie
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Chongfeng Xie
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Aijun Wang
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Les Ginsberg (ginsberg)
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Davey Song
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Robert Raszuk
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Dongjie (Jimmy)
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Mach Chen
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Lizhenbin
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Tony Przygienda
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Dongjie (Jimmy)
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Tarek Saad
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Tony Przygienda
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Tarek Saad
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Dongjie (Jimmy)
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… peng.shaofu
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Dongjie (Jimmy)
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Giuseppe Fioccola
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… peng.shaofu
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi…
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Ran Pang(联通集团中国联通研究院- 本部)
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi…
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Gengxuesong (Geng Xuesong)
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi…
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Takuya Miyasaka
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Chongfeng Xie
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Dongjie (Jimmy)
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Chongfeng Xie
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Tony Przygienda
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Gyan Mishra
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Tony Przygienda
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Chongfeng Xie
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Chongfeng Xie
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Acee Lindem (acee)
- Re: [Lsr] WG Adoption Poll for “Using IS-IS Multi… Gyan Mishra