Re: [Lwip] Review of draft-ietf-lwig-tcp-constrained-node-networks-04
Mohit Sethi M <> Fri, 23 August 2019 15:32 UTC
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From: Mohit Sethi M <>
To: Carles Gomez Montenegro <>, Ilpo Järvinen <>
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Thread-Topic: [Lwip] Review of draft-ietf-lwig-tcp-constrained-node-networks-04
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Subject: Re: [Lwip] Review of draft-ietf-lwig-tcp-constrained-node-networks-04
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Hi Ilpo and Markku, Could you confirm that -08 version of the draft addresses all your concerns. We will then send it to the IESG for review. Zhen and Mohit On 6/5/19 11:58 AM, Carles Gomez Montenegro wrote: > Hi Ilpo, > > (CC'ing also TCPM.) > > First of all, sorry for the delay in our response. > > Thank you very much for reviewing the draft again, and for answering our > questions. Your comments have been very useful to improve the quality of > the document. Our updates can be found in revision -08. > > Please find below our inline responses to your comments. > >> On Sun, 10 Mar 2019, Carles Gomez Montenegro wrote: >> >>>> General Comments / Structure >>>> ---------------------------- >> I've read the document (-07) through once again, and in general I got >> a feeling that it has improved substancially! > Thank you! > >>> In the new draft version, in some cases, we have tried to be more >>> specific >>> (e.g. ?message overhead?, ?memory overhead?, etc.). However, in some >>> other >>> cases the context may help to better determine the scope of ?overhead?, >>> or >>> ?overhead? relates with all the dimensions you listed (and for >>> simplicity, >>> we prefer to keep just ?overhead?). >> I didn't find unqualified "overheads" a problem anymore either (that is, >> in case there were some as I didn't even notice them anymore). > Thanks for your confirmation. > >>>> Small Points >>>> ------------ >>>> >>>> Sec 3.2 Usage Scenarios, 3rd para: I fail to get the point of this >>>> paragraph. There are two distinct points about the environment: >>>> middleboxes on path and asymmetry in end point capabilities. No >>>> implications about bringing these two in particular up in the same >>>> paragraph are mentioned. That is, why I must note the asymmetry when >>>> there's a middlebox? >>> Because the middlebox will often be transparent to TCP (but not to other >>> protocols). Basically, the presence of such middleboxes is a major >>> motivation for use of TCP in IoT environments (e.g. RFC 8323). >> I still don't see the connection between a middlebox requiring use of >> TCP and that I must note asymmetry in the scenario. But this not all that >> important part of the text anyway so I guess it could be left like that. >> >> There's, however, duplication between the 1st and the last paragraphs >> (and also somewhat with this 3rd paragraph text now that I look). > In -08, we have merged part of the first and the third paragraph, which > helped reduce redundancy. After this change, we believe that the first and > the last paragraphs (of section 3.2) do not contain duplicated content. > >>>> 4.3.2 SACK >>>> >>>> IMHO, SACK should be subsection of loss recovery or 4.3.1 >>>> should be retitled to only FR/FR. >>> Yes, we agree with the suggestion, and prefer to make SACK a subsection >>> of >>> 4.3.1. >>> >>>> Out-of-order queue handling is unrelated to SACK, should be >>>> covered somewhere else? There is implicit complexity & TCB >>>> impact when the flow may have >1 MSS wnd, maybe group all these >>>> (when not related to a particular mechanism that has its own >>>> discussion somewhere) under a single section). >>> Not sure if the current wording may lead to different understandings, >>> but >>> out-of-order is mentioned here to denote the fact that a few segments >>> may >>> be lost and the receiver will need to inform about the data blocks >>> actually received. >> "The receiver supporting SACK will need to managed the reception of >> possible out-of-order received segments, requiring sufficient buffer >> space." >> >> This text seems to imply that because of SACK, managing ofo segments is >> necessary but it is a feature that is needed also w/o SACK when TCP >> supports multi-segment window. So any loss recovery regardless of SACK >> will need to deal with that. What SACK adds to that on the receiver >> side, is keeping track of the SACK blocks to send back. > The text (after removing the SACK mention) is now before the SACK > subsection. We have also added your point on the SACK-specific tasks to be > done by a receiver supporting SACK. > >>>> No sender-side SACK aspect covered? >>> We currently have: >>> ?a sender (having previously sent the SACK-Permitted >>> option) can avoid performing unnecessary retransmissions, saving >>> energy and bandwidth, as well as reducing latency.? >>> Is there any particular aspect you think should be added ? >> When the sender get SACK blocks from the receiver in ACKs, it need to >> bookkeep the per seq/segment state to avoid sending the particular >> data/segments again during the recovery. >> >> But perhaps there just isn't a convincing IoT scenario for the device to >> be sending enough data to benefit from the sending side SACK in the first >> place? > Well, perhaps in some cases a device might keep a relatively large file > (e.g. containing sensor readings taken over a relatively long time > interval). For the sake of completeness, we have added your point on the > sender needing to bookkeep the necessary state for resending only the > needed data. > >>>> In general, there's occassionally confusion within the document >>>> whether some advice/description is for the receiving or sending >>>> side (this is of course scenario dependant which the implementer >>>> should consider in his/her own case but the document should cover >>>> both cases where applicable). >>> We?d welcome specific suggestions of document sections where your >>> comment >>> applies. >> Somehow, I didn't get a similar feeling anymore so I guess some of >> edits have done enough to resolve sender/receiver ambiguity below >> noticable level! > Thanks for your confirmation. > >> Here are some additional comments that I noted while reading it through >> for the second time: >> >> 4.1.2 ECN >> >> 3rd para. There is an unresolved contradition related to "throughput" >> in the paragraph (none of the text is "wrong" per se but the dots just >> don't seem to connect well enough to make sense). ECN with 1 segment is >> said to "result in very low throughput" and in the very next sentence it >> is said "In addition to better throughtput...". Neither is incorrect but >> I wouldn't put those statements next to each other to avoid confusion >> it easily causes. > Thanks for pointing this out. Markku proposed new text that solves the > problem. That text is now included in -08. > >> Section 4.2 >> >> "single-MSS", I'd use "single segment" (like the change you made into >> the annex table) throughout the document. > Done. > >> The use of "stack" in the 4.2 and its subsections would be better as >> "window" because some of the text applies also to the unconstrained >> end of the connection that is not a single mss/segment stack >> but is only communicating with such a stack. > We see your point and we have replaced “stack” with “window” in some > instances. However, in some cases “stack” was actually intended as > “implementation”, therefore in those cases we have left “stack” > unmodified. > >> Section 4.2.4 >> >> 2nd para. "cannot use" -> "cannot benefit from". It is possible >> to "use" but no benefits can be gained. It's relevant in particular >> when the connection is one segment but the sender is unconstrained, >> the text now excludes this valid scenario by adding "than for a more >> powerful TCP stack" but it shouldn't, IMHO. > Agreed. > >> Nits: >> >> In the pdf version, the "Subsection x.x.x" meta linkage does begin >> only from "section". > Perhaps this is something that might be solved at the RFC editor stage... > >> Section 5.2 2nd para: comsuming -> consuming > Done. > > Once again, thank you very much for all your feedback! > > Cheers, > > Carles (on behalf of all coauthors) > > _______________________________________________ > Lwip mailing list > >
- [Lwip] Review of draft-ietf-lwig-tcp-constrained-… Ilpo Järvinen
- Re: [Lwip] Review of draft-ietf-lwig-tcp-constrai… Carles Gomez Montenegro
- Re: [Lwip] Review of draft-ietf-lwig-tcp-constrai… Ilpo Järvinen
- Re: [Lwip] Review of draft-ietf-lwig-tcp-constrai… Carles Gomez Montenegro
- Re: [Lwip] Review of draft-ietf-lwig-tcp-constrai… Mohit Sethi M
- Re: [Lwip] Review ofdraft-ietf-lwig-tcp-constrain… Markku Kojo
- Re: [Lwip] Review of draft-ietf-lwig-tcp-constrai… Ilpo Järvinen
- Re: [Lwip] Review of draft-ietf-lwig-tcp-constrai… Carles Gomez Montenegro
- Re: [Lwip] Review ofdraft-ietf-lwig-tcp-constrain… Ilpo Järvinen
- Re: [Lwip] Review ofdraft-ietf-lwig-tcp-constrain… Carles Gomez Montenegro