[Lwip] QUIC on IoT boards
Lars Eggert <lars@eggert.org> Mon, 20 January 2020 08:25 UTC
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Hi, I wrote up my experiences of getting QUIC to run on some IoT boards for the NDSS DISS workshop. Feedback welcome! Towards Securing the Internet of Things with QUIC. Lars Eggert. Proc. NDSS Workshop on Decentralized IoT Systems and Security (DISS), San Diego, CA, USA, February 23, 2020. https://eggert.org/papers/2020-ndss-quic-iot.pdf Would be happy to chat about this more, possibly in Vancouver? Thanks, Lars
- [Lwip] QUIC on IoT boards Lars Eggert
- Re: [Lwip] [T2TRG] QUIC on IoT boards Thomas Fossati
- Re: [Lwip] [T2TRG] QUIC on IoT boards Lars Eggert
- Re: [Lwip] [T2TRG] QUIC on IoT boards Eliot Lear (elear)
- Re: [Lwip] [T2TRG] QUIC on IoT boards David R. Oran
- Re: [Lwip] [T2TRG] QUIC on IoT boards Василий Долматов
- Re: [Lwip] [T2TRG] QUIC on IoT boards Eliot Lear
- Re: [Lwip] [T2TRG] QUIC on IoT boards Lars Eggert
- Re: [Lwip] [T2TRG] QUIC on IoT boards Eliot Lear
- Re: [Lwip] [T2TRG] QUIC on IoT boards Mohit Sethi M
- Re: [Lwip] [T2TRG] QUIC on IoT boards Eliot Lear
- Re: [Lwip] [T2TRG] QUIC on IoT boards David R. Oran
- Re: [Lwip] [T2TRG] QUIC on IoT boards Eliot Lear