[Lwip] Constrained Node/Network Cluster @ IETF109: DRAFT AGENDA
Carsten Bormann <cabo@tzi.org> Sat, 17 October 2020 00:12 UTC
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Here is my usual eclectic condensed agenda based on the DRAFT AGENDA for IETF109. Remember that there is still quite some potential for changes. The conflicts that meet the eye this time seem to impact generalists only. Great scheduling job! All times *on my agenda* are in UTC (the default page is UTC+0700). https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/agenda-utc might be handy. Note that both EU and US are on winter time (standard time) then. Grüße, Carsten MONDAY, November 9, 2020 0500-0700 Hackathon Kickoff Rm 1 GEN hackathon Hackathon FRIDAY, November 13, 2020 0500-0700 Hackathon Closing Rm 1 GEN hackathon Hackathon MONDAY, November 16, 2020 0500-0700 Session I Rm 1 ART dispatch Dispatch WG - Joint with ARTAREA Rm 3 IRTF qirg Quantum Internet Research Group Rm 5 RTG raw Reliable and Available Wireless WG Rm 6 SEC *** lake Lightweight Authenticated Key Exchange WG 0730-0830 Session II Rm 3 INT add Adaptive DNS Discovery WG Rm 4 IRTF maprg Measurement and Analysis for Protocols Rm 7 SEC *** cose CBOR Object Signing and Encryption WG 0900-1100 Session III Rm 1 ART jsonpath JSON Path WG Rm 6 SEC secdispatch Security Dispatch WG Rm 7 TSV tsvwg Transport Area Working Group WG TUESDAY, November 17, 2020 0500-0700 Session I Rm 1 ART *** core Constrained RESTful Environments WG Rm 2 INT 6man IPv6 Maintenance WG Rm 7 SEC gnap Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol WG 0730-0830 Session II Rm 5 RTG babel Babel routing protocol WG Rm 6 SEC tls Transport Layer Security WG 0900-1100 Session III Rm 1 ART *** asdf A Semantic Definition Format for Data and Interactions of Things WG Rm 2 IRTF irtfopen IRTF Open Meeting Rm 4 RTG apn Application-aware Networking BOF Rm 7 SEC *** rats Remote ATtestation ProcedureS WG WEDNESDAY, November 18, 2020 0500-0700 Session I Rm 3 INT madinas MAC Address Device Identification for Network and Application Services BOF Rm 5 RTG bier Bit Indexed Explicit Replication WG Rm 7 SEC *** ace Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments WG Rm 8 TSV quic QUIC WG 0730-0830 Session II Rm 3 INT *** 6lo IPv6 over Networks of Resource-constrained Nodes WG Rm 4 INT *** drip Drone Remote ID Protocol WG Rm 7 SEC *** teep Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning WG Rm 8 TSV tsvwg Transport Area Working Group WG THURSDAY, November 19, 2020 0500-0700 Session I Rm 3 IRTF coinrg Computing in the Network Research Group Rm 7 SEC saag Security Area Open Meeting 0730-0830 Session II Rm 1 ART *** cbor Concise Binary Object Representation Maintenance and Extensions WG Rm 2 INT intarea Internet Area Working Group WG Rm 3 RTG detnet Deterministic Networking WG Rm 5 SEC acme Automated Certificate Management Environment WG 0900-1100 Session III Rm 4 OPS v6ops IPv6 Operations WG Rm 6 RTG *** roll Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks WG Rm 7 SEC mls Messaging Layer Security WG Rm 8 SEC *** rats Remote ATtestation ProcedureS WG FRIDAY, November 20, 2020 0500-0700 Session I Rm 2 INT add Adaptive DNS Discovery WG Rm 6 RTG rift Routing In Fat Trees WG Rm 7 SEC emu EAP Method Update WG 0730-0830 Session II Rm 1 ART httpapi Building Blocks for HTTP APIs WG Rm 2 INT *** lwig Light-Weight Implementation Guidance WG Rm 3 OPS anima Autonomic Networking Integrated Model and Approach WG Rm 6 SEC *** suit Software Updates for Internet of Things WG Rm 7 TSV tsvarea Transport Area Open Meeting 0900-1100 Session III Rm 1 ART *** core Constrained RESTful Environments WG Rm 2 INT 6man IPv6 Maintenance WG Rm 4 IRTF cfrg Crypto Forum Rm 7 TSV masque Multiplexed Application Substrate over QUIC Encryption WG
- [Lwip] Constrained Node/Network Cluster @ IETF109… Carsten Bormann